Chapter 250 : One-On-One With The Nightmare Devil

"This will be your grave, human." The Nightmare Devil grinned fiendishly.

Sato frowned as he felt a new pressure converge onto his body. Unlike the ever-present pressure exuded from the mountain, this one didn't affect his body but rather, his mind. It was similar to the drowsy feeling one would get when they feel tired or just awaken from a deep sleep. Unless Sato pulled his attention together, he would slowly feel his strength flow from him till he couldn't even flex his arms anymore.

'This pressure overlapping with the other one makes things a lot harder to handle.' Sato furrowed his brows.

'And there's still this guy...'

At this time, the Nightmare Devil had already completed its transformation and the energy it radiated was dreadful to one's senses, evoking a spine-chilling reaction within one's body.