Chapter 267 : Fighting [Blood King Varg]

Just as the Blood king, [Varg], lifted his eye lid, an insurmountable pressure descended in the hall. It was as if a demon god had descended upon the mortal realm as a suffocating blood aura suffused through the entire hall.

At this moment, Sato didn't bother to wait and see if the [Astral Blade] made contact. He turned around and took to his heels as if he tried to create more distance between himself and the Blood king.

The aura it exuded at that point made Sato realise something; he wasn't its match in direct combat. Luckily, Sato had already made plans for this.

At the moment, right before Sato retreated, the dazzling arc of light that had was released from his sword which was the embodiment of the [Astral Blade] skill, had already approached the Blood king. As it did so, the arc released the entirety of its energy.