Chapter 276 : The Second Sector’s Guardian

"Almost there." 

After glancing at the piece of paper held with both hands, Sato folded the thin piece of paper and kept it safely within his space bag before resuming his journey.

After he had defeated the Blood king and retrieved the map, Sato's progress in the labyrinth could be described as traveling 10 miles with a step[1]. 

When Sato began the challenge, he had started from the first sector. After the defeat of the Blood king, a door, different from the one he went through before, had appeared beside the throne of the Blood king. The door lead him towards the second sector, which was the next zone for Sato as well as the only place the map was useful.

With the aid of the map, not only was he able to avoid a majority of the traps in the labyrinths, but he was also able to avoid the hideouts of certain monsters and also hunt for treasures.