Chapter 297 : Backlash

"Indeed. It's over."


With a thud, the lifeless body of the mirror image landed on the ground. Even till now, Sato felt that it was a bit unbelievable that the haughty duplicate of himself, that had caused him to eat so many losses, had finally died.

At the moment, a system notification ding sounded in his head but before Sato could check it out, he abruptly collapsed.

"Ugh." Sato managed to use the sword and keep himself from falling while also puking out a mouthful of blood.

-54 (6/150 Sato's HP)

'Damn.' Sato sucked in a large breath of cold air.

"The backlash is this much?!" A tinge of unbelief decorated his voice.

"Luckily, it only happened after I had defeated the mirror image. Otherwise, I would be a goner."