Chapter 376 : Spied Upon

"Hold on guys, just a little bit more." Sato yelled in the team chat. 

(478/1700 Sato's HP)

"Damn. This guy's a tough nut to crack. Even with his injuries, he's still putting up a front."

(820/1200 Seiichi's HP)


(1465/10000 Kobold King's HP)


Barely a minute had gone by since the Kobold King went berserk and according to the severity of its injuries, it was supposed to have been dead 40 seconds ago. However, after the Kobold King had gone berserk, its injuries had been suppressed. The initial crippling of its skills, due to its injuries, that lead to the Kobold King losing 5% of its HP every 5 seconds had changed to 3% every 10 seconds, and its HP recovery speed was only slowed by 25%. This meant that in every 5 seconds that went by, the Kobold King would recover 75 HP which meant 150 HP every 10 seconds. So, in every 10 seconds that went by it only lost 1.5% of its HP instead of the supposed 3%.