Chapter 391 : Han Descends

"Im, impossible!"

"What happened?" Silver Wolf asked as he turned his head towards the point of collision between Sato and Chesces.

"How, how come?"

At the spot where the two min characters of the show had clashed, Chesces was the only one left standing as Sato had flown 10 metres back. Even for him, the strength of that attack was something difficult to handle.

"He, he blocked it?" The [Ranger] was astonished.


A piece of metal chipped away from the [Astral Blade] and fell to the ground. Following the metal chip was a sad feeling that engulfed Sato temporarily.

Despite moving at an insane speed, in the end, Chesces was too slow as at the last few moments, the [Stun] effect was already over and Sato was able to move. He had managed to react quickly and place [Astral Blade] in front of the attack, saving himself from that calamity. However, as a result of that, [Astral Blade] had been damaged.