Chapter 418 : I Find Them Disgusting, What About It?

[[ System notification : 

A mission has been generated due to a series of events.


Emergency mission

Mission Title: Rescue the young boy and his mother from the hands of the mercenaries.

Mission Rating: D

Mission Detail: Due to an unknown reason, little Finn and his mother are being pursued by a bunch of mercenaries hired by the merchant, Kolin. Now they have been caught with nowhere to escape to, little Finn requests your help.

Basic Rewards :

-Little Finn's gratitude (Increase in Relationship points with Little Finn).


-Miss Rachel's gratitude (Increase in Relationship points with Miss Rachel).

-**** Experience Points.

Penalty : 

-Little Finn and his mother, Miss Rachel, would be taken away by the mercenaries.

System Description: A seemingly low risk mission but with a low reward too. Accepting it might surprise you, both in good ways and bad ways.