Chapter 473 : First BOSS Spotted

"Hey Seiichi, is this the checkpoint?" Lu Zhen asked in the team chat. As the only [Assassin] in the squad, Lu Zhen was temporarily tasked with the role of a scout, having to move ahead of the main team to get a look out on the opponents infront.

"Yeah. According to the estimations of the map, it should be the checkpoint." Seiichi replied.

"Okay, got that. You guys hurry up then." Lu responded.

It didn't take up to 5 minutes before Sato and the rest had made their way towards Lu Zhen's location, which happened to be the point where the brown dot on the map laid.

The area was a closed off hall that had only one entrance; the corridor which Sato and the team had been travelling through. It was extremely large and there was no doubt that a massive crowd of about 3000-4000 people could fit in there without a hassle.