Chapter 494 : Profits In Hand

In a forest within a cavern, two characters -a young man and a feline- were traversing the area with cautious footsteps. Once in a while, the duo would pause in their footsteps as the the feline would sniff the air and narrow its eyes as it glances around, seemingly in search of something or on the lookout. 

Eventually, the duo cane to a stop with the young man sitting underneath a huge tree while the feline kept a lookout for him.

The duo were precisely Sato and Milo, who had left Cecilia in the cave with the excuse of scavenging for food. In actuality though, Sato left because he wanted to go through his gains from the journey. Apart from the profits from his hunt at the riverside, Sato had also looted the corpses of the guards as well as the monster. That's right, he did exactly that.

In Infinite Realm, monsters weren't the only corpses that could be looted. Truthfully, no one knew this and Sato had only decided to give it a try, never expecting to succeed.