Chapter 502 : Narrow Escape


Cecilia stared in shock as Sato had dived into the river.

'Was he actually planning on suiciding all this while? Did I push him too far?'

Unsure of what to do, Cecilia immediately dashed towards the river's edge to have a look. She didn't get too close, however, for fear of attracting the monsters within. With the degree of disturbance that she had caused on the shore, one couldn't say for certain that no river monster was attracted by it.

'I can't find him.' Cecilia grimaced.

While there were other reasons as to why she couldn't find Sato -such as the blue colour of the river that made it harder to see deeper or the fact that she wasn't close enough to the river's edge to spot him- the most possible reason were of two categories; either Sato had been killed by a monster already or he decided to use the river as a means of escape.