Chapter 524 : The Last BOSS

"Damn. This path is much longer than the previous two."

Yato complained as he brandished his sword continuously ahead of him. With each swinging of the sword, a bunch of numbers appeared in his battle log.

The team was surrounded by a bunch of monsters and unlike the previous sets, they didn't just consist of dark priests, but there were dark riders, dark archers and more. Luckily, the team only met a wave of each and not a combined unit, else, faced with both a long-range and close-range assault, they would find things a lot more difficult than they were now.

"Not exactly." Sato replied to Yato.

"These monsters are just stronger than the previous ones, so it will take us much more to deal with them. Also, keep your head in the battle." Sato's voice sounded as blocked an attack that was headed toward Yato's blind spot.

"Oh, sorry about that." Yato smiled apologetically.