Chapter 611 You Are All Feed

"He's finally dead." Fran's teammate, the [Assassin], couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"Let's get out of here before we get found." The [Elementalist] said.

"Alright." Fran nodded.

"Hold up right there. Hehe." 

An eerie laugh broke the silence as a figure appeared above a tree branch.

"Who is it?!" Fran and his comrades hurriedly turned to the direction of the speaker.

"You guys are quite good." The new arrival grinned.

"Who are you?" Fran grimly asked as he tightened his grasp on the axe.

Although they had been facing Lone Star, Fran had told the [Elementalist] to keep a look out for ambushers. It should be recalled that thanks to their high affinity and great control over mana, [Elementalists] -just like [Druids]- can utilise their mana sensing ability as a form of sonar to scan their surroundings for any life form or mana form. As such, the [Elementalist] in the team also doubled as a lookout for danger.