A couple of seconds ago...
"Hmm? Looks like Vishra has stumbled upon a difficult opponent." Krishva, the founder of Hell Raiders and the tenth Yama said.
Unlike Vishra, Krishva had signed up for the Team category so he was currently spectating the Singles category matches. Coincidentally, one of the random screens had switched view to Sato and Vishra's battle as not only was it worth taking a look, but both characters were somewhat famous.
Vishra's fame was self-explanatory whereas Sato was someone who had gotten on the papers once, especially after his clash with Emperor's Might branch guild and Battle Wolves guild. He also led a team that has the achievement of first clear for a hidden dungeon. In summary, Sato was a character worth taking a second look at.
"He was foolish to underestimate his opponent." Kali, the eight Yama said.
He was also part of the same team as Krishva.