Rule Long City

The red Ferrari hummed as it traversed towards the busy streets of Long City. The sounds of frenzied honk echoed behind as she swerved the car, trying her best to avoid the traffic. "Where is he?" she asked. Using the Bluetooth headset, Lyca was talking to Yi'an who was tracking Shen Qui's phone.

"Shen Qui is moving towards an abandoned building a few kilometres away from the Zhang Family's mansion. It borders Long City and Ralia City. I already sent the address to the GPS on your car."

"Hmmm." Lyca didn't tell her father or Old Man Huang about this as she was not really sure what was going on. She would not want them to panic just because of a mere instinct. Moreover, she was afraid that someone next to her father and the old man is a traitor.

She tightened her hand around the steering wheel, her face unreadable as she thought about Shen Qui's message telling her that he was going to see Li Xian.

How could he see Li Xian when the man was still in School?

There was also the possibility that Shen Qui was lying but… why the hell would he lie to her? Moreover, it was weird for him to send a text. Why would he even tell her if he is going to see someone? It's not like she is his girlfriend! Unless of course, he was trying to send her a message! That text alone was already wrong.

Lyca was too engrossed in her own emotions after her nightmare that she didn't think about that text properly. She eyed the GPS and realised that it would take her another forty minutes to an hour to reach the location. One hour is too long. She needed to get there in thirty. With that in mind, Lyca pumped the gas. This time around, Lyca was not planning to let anyone die because of a mess she created.


Shen Qui frowned. "I already told you. I am not going to become a member of the Long Security Group." He eyed the man sitting to his right.

"We know that." The man's deep voice contained a hint of danger, making the nerves in Shen Qui's stomach clutch. "Mr. Long needed to see you."

Shen Qui snorted. The man next to him was the tall man that he never fought earlier because of the investors' suggestion. He was about six foot five, with broad soldiers and a crew cut. This man looked intimidating and dangerous. Of course, as someone who had worked with him before, Shen Qui knew how dangerous this man was. This person was also the previous top agent in Huang Security who loves taking missions alone, confident of his brute strength.

So when he approached him a few minutes ago when he was having coffee outside of Huang Security and told him that he had Li Xian, Shen Qui had no choice but to come along with him. This man… could beat Li Xian in a fight. He saw it happened before during a practice match.

"So, they are planning to kill me." Shen Qui muttered as he looked at Zach Liang— the tall man next to him.

"You are young and talented. It's either you join us, or you perish."

"That makes sense." Shen Qui shrugged, not a hint of fear was apparent in his face.

"The Long Security is going to rule Long City soon. If you join us… the benefits would be endless."

"Is that why you joined them a year ago?" He didn't hide the disgust in his tone.

"Loyalty is but a word. When it comes to practicality, it's useless." Finally, the man turned towards him. "Our technology is at the top of the whole Shun region. Compared to Huang Security's traditional approach, our Long Security focuses on new inventions."

Shen Qui clenched his jaws. Funny how these people think that their technology could help them against Lyca's craftiness. Didn't they already lost a lot of investors because of her intervention? Once Lyca decides to introduce her bullets to the market, the Long Security would have another problem.

Seeing the disinterest in his eyes, Zach Liang shrugged and stayed quiet. He already did his best to convince Shen Qui, if the man would remain like this then he wouldn't hesitate on killing him today. Slowly, the van that they were riding slowed down until it came to a full stop just in front of an abandoned building— a perfect location to dispose of someone.

Of course, Shen Qui knew that this was their goal all along. Kill him. But he was not planning on going down without taking a few of them with him. He got out of the van and looked at the four-story building in front of them. There are a total of three abandoned buildings in this area; all have four stories. Broken debris already littered the three unfinished buildings, dust accompanied the cracks that surrounded it. It was already past six in the evening. With the absence of the sun, everything around them was nothing but darkness.

Without the light from the car, Shen Qui wouldn't be able to see the buildings at all.

"Inside. Mr. Long is waiting inside." Zach said, his voice stern. Shen Qui nodded and walked inside, his hand was resting on his pockets. Zach already took his gun earlier, but he never took his knives as he was confident that he would be able to beat Shen Qui with just his brute force. Shen Qui and Zach threaded inside, the sounds of their boots apparent against their every step on the rubbles.

He immediately noticed the small battery operated lamp that was in the middle of the space. It created shadows from the people surrounding it.

"Mr. Shen.."

Shen Qui lifted an eyebrow at the man. He was expecting to see Patriarch Long or even Long Yi. But this man…

"This is the head of our research team. Mr. Long. Gary Long. He is here to ask you about the details of that poison." As if sensing his thoughts, Zach said.

"Why should I tell you?" Aside from the man wearing white named Gary Long and Zach, six people stood next to the head of the research department. All of them were about six foot tall, wearing dark tactical suits and armed with a gun. Probably 9mm.

"Because… you don't have a choice."

"Li Xian is not here… is he?" Shen Qui thought that getting Li Xian out of the Long Founding School of Elites would be easy as the Long Family is very influential in the school. It seems that he was wrong.

"Of course, he's not." Mr. Long's lips thinned. "Now… if you want to survive. You better tell me what I wanted to know."


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