
"I always thought men and women can't bathe together in an onsen together," Lyca mumbled as they followed the older woman wearing a Yukata towards the room that they rented. Luckily, the old woman didn't hear her words as she continued talking about the hot spring. 

"This is just alone side the To River and surrounded by greeneries. We have both a mixed bath and a women's only bath. On the mixed bath, women needed to wear towels while men can go there naked or use a towel to cover their lower body." She halted her steps and turned towards the two. "To ensure privacy, we have no camera's inside the baths. The Camera is only in the hallways. The bath is open until twelve midnight. However... the room that you booked comes with its own personal bath so... that shouldn't be a problem." She then started walking again. After a few minutes, the woman stopped walking and opened a sliding door that would lead them to another hall.