Blackmail and Business

"You wanted us to work for you?" Rue scoffed. She couldn't help herself. The man in front of them looked just like a sheltered young master. How could he speak about something so nonsense?

"Yes. That is right." Shen Qui nodded. He sat comfortably on one of the working chairs inside the small studio apartment. He looked at the scowling Rue and his twin brother Ronan Chu. These two were not really famous criminals, but both of them were good at computers. 

A little part of Shen Qui was actually doubting this decision. After all, these two people don't really have a good track record of working with other people. However, Lyca assured him that he was talented enough to recruit them.

"You think the gun in your waist was enough to convince us that you are someone powerful?" Ronan asked. "We don't work well with other people Mr. Q. I suggest you leave now."

"Well… I am planning to recruit a group of criminals like you to work for me."