Men who hurts Women

"So? Did you found out anything about them?" Ben immediately asked when Shen Qui and Lyca left the property. "Anything at all?"

"No. Just some basics… age and address. They seem to be affiliated with Santa Rivers. Aside from that, nothing more."

"Nothing?" Ben narrowed his eyes. "How could it be?"

"Two things… its either Santa is helping them. Or….they came from a really powerful family, and they hid their real identity. Either way, both of them seem to be dangerous."

"Even the girl?"

"Xi. Her name was Xi, and yes, they are lovers. She's not an escort. She had been accompanying the young man since they arrived."

"Tch!" Ben frowned. He never thought that even the girl would have that kind of background. "Why would she act like a f*cking hooker? If she came from a— "