Tower of No Return

"What the— Who the hell are you?" the man wearing pink yelled as he eyed the now fallen guard."What did you do with the— someone calls the head guard!"

"That would be useless. Don't worry, I didn't kill them. After all, I am being nice."

"You— you put them to sleep and barge in, and you still call yourself nice?"

"Please sit down. Don't worry, I am not here to discuss sinister stuff. Where is my seat?" she asked.

"You— " A man suddenly stood from his seat and pointed a gun at Lyca. Without saying anything, he pulled the trigger, surprising everyone in the room.

"Mr. Ling! What are you— "

"Eh?" Everyone widened their eyes when they realized that the woman was no longer in front of them but was standing behind Mr. Ling. "Seems like you wanted your family to lose a patriarch?" Lyca didn't wait for the man to answer as she raised her hand and slit the man's throat.

"What the hell!?"

"My goodness!"

"What are you doing!?"