False Accusations

"The goddess of love, Aphrodite, considered Crape Myrtle tree sacred. The blooms of these trees are now commonly used in royal weddings. So, I wanted to plant these types of trees outside of our house. We could also add some cherry blossoms, Wisteria the pink one symbolizes romance. Jasmine would be good too. And of course, the elegant redwoods which symbolize forever." Shen Qui said as the air blow past them. Lyca nodded in response. She looked at the trees on their way.

Earlier, they were talking about their cringy feelings. Now, he was talking about trees — the trees that he will plant once they finally buy a house. Once they would finally decide to start a family. Lyca inhaled his familiar scent as he walked towards the building. Of course, he was already carrying her in a piggyback.

"How about flowers?"

"Do you like flowers?" he asked.

"The poisonous ones," she answered without batting an eyelid. "The poisonous ones are really beautiful."