
So far, the exhibit had been going well.

The exhibit started at six in the evening, and it would end at ten. Or so everyone thought.

At ten, they will announce that there would be an auction for the blueprint of the armor. In this way, everyone would have the chance to bid. The winners would be given twenty-four hours to give the money or they will do another round of bidding the next day.

Lyca was actually very excited about this. However, instead of spending time in the exhibit, she chose to stay inside the security room where she could see all the footage inside and outside of the hall. To her, staying here with food is definitely better than forcing herself to socialize.

Unlike the ordinary security room where they met Old Man Shen, this room was located on the rooftop of the building. There were ten monitors in front of her, each showing different angles of the hall. To her left were another ten monitors showing another angle.