I Did it For You!

Lyca angled her head to one side as she peered at him. She wondered how she missed his conceit before. She used to worship Xu Ke, give him everything that he wanted, everything that he needed. She treated him like a god.

She never noticed how he loved himself more than anyone else.

"But I don't trust you," Xu Ke said before he turned towards the door. "Enjoy your food. I can assure your survival as long as you help me."

"Aren't you scared that I will kill myself?" she asked.

"Kill yourself?" he stopped walking and look at her. "You are too sad to kill yourself. You haven't ruined the people who killed your husband yet. I know you Lyca… you would never rest until you avenge him. Of course, there is also another reason why you won't kill yourself. You are waiting for me to bring him back to you."

"You keep on talking about bringing him back. But can you really do that?" She stood and walked towards him.