Concept of Family

On that night, Gabi told Aden about the Lee and Li Corps.

She knew that investigating this would take a few days, so she was a little confident that her grandfather still have the time to get out.

"Little girl… this information is very specific, isn't it?"

Just hearing this man calling her little girl is already enough to make her irritated. "I am not little!"

"Oh…. Is that so?"

He was laughing on the other line. Was that so funny? She gritted her teeth. "If you don't want to talk to me, then please give the phone to Mr. Archy."

"Hey, you really are so serious. Why are you acting like that? Hm? And why do you want to talk to Archy, do you love him?"

"…" What the hell? Is this man serious? "That is none of your business."

"Oh? You do? Huh. Well, all I can say is that Mr. Archy doesn't like kids."

"Can you stop that?"

"Stop what?"

"Stop calling me a kid!"