Bow and Arrow

"Look at her, she didn't even dare to use any weapons. What was she swinging the halberd for? Does she even understand what that is?"

"Look at that posture! She didn't know how to use it!"

"How embarrassing!"

"Damn! I have never seen anyone looking so ignorant as her!"

Meanwhile, Gabi was only checking the weight of each weapon. She quickly realized one thing. The spear-looking one isn't suitable for her as it was too heavy. She doesn't like that sword with a curved blade either.

Moreover, she isn't an expert on daggers or needles that are five inches long.

She only has one option!

"That's a Ulfberht Sword." Miles suddenly appeared next to her. "That one isn't a spear. That's a halberd."


"Do you need help?"

"Tell me the names?" Gabi asked. She honestly didn't know their names!

"Well… that's a sickle."