Chapter 14: Land of Waves Arc: Chapter 13

Title: Dreaming of Sunshine

Summary: Life as a ninja. It starts with confusion and terror and doesn't get any better from there. OC Self-insert.

Author's note: Nemesis Jedi - thanks for the wonderful review and for pointing out discrepancy. I just realised I forgot to close that plot point properly. Yes they do know, and assume it either got better with age, or she's just working through it on sheer stubbornness. I'll try and address the issue somewhere along the line, though it probably wont be till after the Wave Arc. And to all reviewers, questions are always welcome, because sometimes I don't even realise I've missed things. XD



Chapter 13



Betrayal is the only truth that sticks. ~ Arthur Miller



"They're here."

My heart pounded and my pulse raced. I smiled grimly.

Time to dance.

Kakashi-sensei was the only one who could take Zabuza. One of us needed to guard Tazuna. That left two for Haku and that was assuming they hadn't brought anyone else with them. What combinations would work best?

My first instinct was to place myself with Tazuna. I'd already noted that Shadow Jutsu were good for body guarding. But I could remember, vaguely, what Naruto and Sasuke had been hit with. It had not gone well.

Calling senbon hard to kill with was a bit of an exaggeration. In the end, they were 20cm of pointy metal. Aimed with slightly less precision, Sasuke might have actually died.

But his speed and Sharingan were probably our greatest asset against Haku's speed. I was fairly fast, particularly if I boosted my speed with chakra, but I didn't think I'd be able to match Haku's mirrors. But Naruto had been the one to get through to him, to commiserate with him.

The bridge loomed eerily out of the fog. Land of Waves had a lot of fog, but even at a distance I could tell this fog was imbued with chakra. It was Zabuza's Hiding in the Mist Technique.

We walked forward. Trap or no trap, we needed to face them.

"What the-?" Tazuna gasped seeing his men spread out, lying lifelessly on the bridge. It was a creepy scene, as though we had just walked in on the middle of a massacre. Intimidation tactics again.

"They're alive," I said quietly, seeking out their chakra. It was weak - civilian level - but pulsing steadily. "Just knocked out." That was another mark in our favour. Killing the bridge workers would stop it being built just as surely as killing Tazuna.

Whatever Zabuza's true goals were, they weren't as obvious as he proclaimed.

"Well, well. You just couldn't wait for round two, could you?" Kakashi-sensei said to the open air, a hint of black humour in his voice. The fact was, after merely a week, Zabuza couldn't possibly be on top form, while Kakashi-sensei was completely recovered.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Kakashi," Zabuza rasped, voice coming from everywhere at once. It was still hard to sense with the mist covering chakra signatures, but I had experience at it now. He was circling us at a distance, looking for an opening. "I see you've still got those brats with you."

"Sa…" Kakashi-sensei acknowledged, with a tilt of his head. "They kind of grow on you. Like a fungus." He added helpfully, completely shattering the affection his previous statement had built.

"Fungus!" Naruto spluttered, indignant. "Who are you calling a fungus?"

"Gee, sensei," I said dryly. "Love you too."

Sasuke gave a disapproving 'hn', though whether it was for Sensei's comment, or simply the silly banter I didn't know.

Zabuza chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm prepared for you this time." His voice came in stereo, as shapes started moving in the fog. Two, then three then six then finally ten identical forms surrounding us at a distance. They were arranged in a circle, covering all directions, with enough room between them to swing their swords - and far enough away that they could see my shadow coming.

"Water clones," I said under my breath. "All of them. Real ones at one o'clock, one hundred fifty meters off Sensei." Using Sensei as a marker point, Zabuza and Haku were straight ahead and slightly to the right. The rest of us had automatically moved to box Tazuna in and were facing different directions, hence why I had to specify who I was marking off.

We were all eager to leap into battle but the way that the clones were spread out one person wouldn't be able to take them all. But if all three of us went to fight, the real Zabuza and Haku could take on Sensei and Tazuna.

"Clones for clones?" Sasuke suggested.

Sasuke willingly standing back to let Naruto attack? That was surprising. Good strategy, but surprising all the same. On the other hand, I was glad that I didn't have to suggest it.

I could hear Kakashi-sensei smile. "You heard the man, Naruto. Think you're up for it?"

"Oh, yeah!" Naruto growled. "I've been waiting for this. Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

He didn't spam out clones. There were only about twice as many as Zabuza had water clones. They attacked with what was one of the most basic combinations - distract and takedown. One clone would attack to form an opening - either with taijutsu, thrown kunai or Striking Bolt - which the other would then take. The clones that succeeded would then turn to help their neighbours. Some of the initial attacks hit and some of the clones were sacrificed outright but Naruto seemed to be rapidly learning how to dodge giant sword swings.

All in all, it was a fairly successful blitz attack. Of course, even with the clones destroyed, that still left us encircled by water. That was something to keep an eye on.

"Even if those clones were merely a tenth of the strength of your original water clone… it is still impressive that he managed to take them all out, Zabuza-sama," a second, perfectly calm voice said. The Hunter-nin. Haku.

There was a blur of body flicker speed, and both Zabuza and Haku appeared in front of our team. The fog swirled around them, disturbed by the sudden movement. Haku was still wearing the Hunter-nin mask, taunting us with the fact that we believed his lies in our last encounter.

"So I had it right," Kakashi-sensei said, unsurprised. His ability to remain casually conversational even after being attacked was enviable. "It was all an act."

"So, all that about being a tracker ninja protecting his village was a lie?" Tazuna asked warily.

"They look pretty chummy to me," Kakashi-sensei agreed. "I'd say they've been pulling scams like that for a long time. And hiding behind that mask, who does he think he's fooling?" Kakashi-sensei's tone was congenial and completely false. The irony of that comment.

"Certainly not you, sensei," I agreed. The high tension of battle appeared to bring out my snarky side. I hadn't been aware I had one.

You learn something new everyday…

Still, I was perfectly content to follow Kakashi-sensei's lead on this. If he wanted to do pre-battle banter, we could do pre-battle banter. Another history lesson or exposition dump would have been nice though…

"Heh, he thinks he's got you all worked out, Haku," Zabuza rasped, looking at his companion. Like Kakashi-sensei he appeared to be completely at ease with the situation. I guess it was something that came with experience.

"Haku?" Naruto repeated uncertainly. He recognised the name. I wasn't surprised. That one conversation made a big impact on him. Protecting precious people was an idea that resonated deeply within him. He had trained harder than ever after than conversation and repeated those words to Inari with deep conviction.

The Hunter-nin removed his mask, showing a surprisingly pretty face. "Hello again, Naruto. I told you we would meet again soon."

"You were there… on purpose?" Naruto asked, off balance. There was a hint of vulnerability in his voice, as if expecting Haku's wisdom and kindness to have been lies.

Haku smiled softly. "No. I was really just gathering herbs. It was just lucky coincidence that we ran into each other."

"But… you're such a nice person! Why are you working for that jerk Gatou?" Naruto was distressed, I could tell. But I hoped that this conversation would lead to a revelation… or a resolution.

Haku flinched and dropped his eyes from Naruto's searching gaze. "It is not pleasant. But in this world of shinobi… we must do things which we do not enjoy in order to further our own dreams. Gatou is… a necessary evil."

"He's destroying this country!" Naruto shouted back. "The people… the kids… They're all in trouble because of him! Without this bridge, they'll all starve!"

We'd all seen it, walking around the village. People were already starving and things were only getting worse.

"Please don't hate me. I, too, want to protect someone precious to me. To work for that person. To fight for that person. To make that person's dreams come true. That is my dream. For that I became a shinobi. For that reason… I will do these things…" His voice trailed off into a murmur, dropping from the strident tones he had begun with.

"Haku is my tool," Zabuza cut in, leaning on his sword menacingly. "He'll do as he's told."

That just incensed Naruto. He clenched his fists. "A tool? A tool? What kind of explanation is that? He just said he'd work for your dreams and all you call him is a tool?" He nearly leapt for Zabuza, all his muscles tensed.

"Naruto," Kakashi-sensei said, voice soothing. "Stay calm. Remember our mission. We have to protect Tazuna, so you can't go getting angry like that."

"I am happy to be Zabuza-sama's tool," Haku said honestly. "It gives my life meaning. In this world… there is nothing more painful than being an unwanted person…"

"Unwanted…" Naruto repeated quietly.

"When I met you in that forest," Haku continued, "I knew we were the same. I knew that you would understand this… If you met someone who acknowledged you so completely… would you not do anything to make them happy?"

"It's still not right," Naruto argued. "You can find other reasons. And why's Zabuza got to do this anyway?"

"Care to shed a little light, Zabuza?" Kakashi-sensei commented lightly, but his eye was watchful.

Zabuza snorted. "For the money. Why else?" He hefted his huge sword onto his shoulder. "All this talking… it's not achieving anything. Give up the bridge builder."

"We can't do that, I'm afraid," Kakashi-sensei retorted pleasantly. "But we don't have to fight. You could still leave."

Offer and counter offer. Both refused.

Didn't expect anything else, really,I thought.

"Haku." Zabuza didn't add anything else, but it was enough. Haku sprang into action, straight for us.

I had considered many plans of action when it came to this situation. I had created many tactics and discarded many more.

But I had overlooked one crucial, tiny factor.

I hadn't told my team mates.

"We got this!" Sasuke growled, leaping forward.

I watched helplessly as the two boys charged Haku. I wanted to grab them, to drag them back and make them listen to me. I couldn't. There was no time anymore.

Shit. Note to self; communication is key.

Naruto and Sasuke worked as a good team, surprisingly. Sasuke was the main force of the attack, engaging Haku's attention while Naruto flittered about, distracting, creating openings, preventing Haku from taking advantage of Sasuke's mistakes.

The thing is, Taijutsu fights don't go down like in DBZ or anything. There isn't an exchange of blows, perfectly blocked, that lasts five episodes. Usually it's over pretty quickly, as one overpowers or out thinks the other. Then everyone has to step up their game.

Haku was thrown backwards.

He flipped back to his feet easily. "I don't want to have to kill you," he said, a frown creasing his brow, "but you wont stand down, will you?"

Sasuke snorted. "Don't be foolish."

"You're the one losing," Naruto added.

"I see. You two make a formidable opponent. However, do not think that you can match my true skills." He drew senbon, holding them between his fingers like Wolverine claws. We'd already seen what Haku could do with those needles.

"You're not as fast as you think. From this point on, you'll be the one defending from our attacks," Sasuke said, landing on one side of him while Naruto landed on the other. He was trapped between them for now. "Thought you were quicker, huh? Now what else are you wrong about?"

"You made a bit of a mistake, insulting these ninja and calling them brats," Sensei said casually, giving the impression he was only half paying attention to the fight. "That's just guaranteed to bring out Sasuke's attitude, and he's the best young fighter of the Hidden Leaf."

Sensei's phrasing was interesting. 'Young fighter'. Not Rookie of the year, not Genin. Just how good did Sensei think Sasuke was? I already knew we weren't average. None of our year was. It was hard to keep it in perspective sometimes, but Rookie 9 was extraordinary.

"Shikako here is definitely our sharpest mind. And Naruto… our most unpredictable ninja." The praise was nice, even if it wasn't completely truthful. Shika was smarter than I was but I didn't expect Kakashi-sensei to know that.

"Haku," Zabuza ordered over his shoulder, unimpressed. "Stop playing around."

"…Of course, Zabuza-sama," Haku acknowledged. He threw the senbon and raced through a set of hand seals. "Ice Release: Ice Foundation!" The water beneath his feet iced over and raced out, covering a circular area around him. Both Naruto and Sasuke moved quickly to avoid having their legs frozen, jumping on top of it but had problems gaining stability on the ice. Either the slippery surface made the chakra formation subtlety different from tree walking, or it's nature as a chakra construct prevented them from doing it at all.

Clever. He'd reduced their speed and manoeuvrability while increasing his own.

"Ice…?" Sensei said, eye widening. "That's…"

"A Bloodlimit," Zabuza said in satisfaction. "Your brats… don't stand a chance against Haku."

Kakashi-sensei made an aborted movement, like he wanted to go towards them. Zabuza's sword cut through his intended path.

"Hey Kakashi. Your opponent … is me. If you want to go towards them… I'll get by you and kill those two."

I didn't rate my chances against Zabuza well… but I didn't like his utterly dismissive attitude. I started partitioning off and purifying a portion of my chakra, just enough for one lightning jutsu. Just in case. I wouldn't go down easy.

"You're underestimating them," Kakashi-sensei said. "They're better than you think. But… if you insist…" he withdrew a kunai from his leg holster, one hand going to raise his headband.

"The Sharingan again? Is that the only trick you have? A shinobi's supreme technique shouldn't be shown to the enemy over and over again."

"You should feel lucky," Kakashi-sensei replied. "You're the only one who's seen it twice."

Zabuza smirked and just when it looked like the two of them were going to clash… faded back. "Hidden in the Mist Jutsu!"

The fog rushed in, even thicker than before. "I'm starting to hate this technique," I decided. Naruto, Sasuke and Haku were completely out of sight. I could barely see myself.


Sensei chuckled. "Be on guard," he suggested. Like I was going to be anything else.

"Last time we fought," Zabuza's voiced echoed out of the mist. That really was a neat trick. I needed to learn how to do that. "You used your Sharingan to see right through me. But with this mist… you can't see a thing, can you? This mist is as familiar to me as the training grounds in the Bloody Mist Village… but to you it must be a pathway to hell." He laughed. "Next time you see me, it will be the end."

"You're awfully confident," Kakashi-sensei mused. Completely healed and with full chakra reserves, he was more willing to draw this confrontation out than he might otherwise have been. I think that he had a fair bit of confidence in us too, as individuals and as a team.

I closed my eyes, ignoring the white mists swirling in front of me and focusing on my chakra sense. I used the point of my kunai to indicate where Zabuza was moving. I could feel, further off, Naruto and Sasuke fighting Haku. There was a lot of chakra being thrown around, but I couldn't tell who was winning. I couldn't even hear them.

"You have fast reflexes," Zabuza said, as shuriken clashed. "But it wont save you forever, Kakashi."

He kept moving soundlessly through the mist. I tracked him, pointing his position for Sensei and trying to keep myself between him and Tazuna.

Zabuza tried a few attacks. Kunai, shuriken, Water Bullets, counting on the changing directions of attack to make up for their simplicity. They didn't work. Sensei deflected the incoming projectiles with ease, even raising a brief wind blast to destroy the Water Bullets.

"You have some skill," Zabuza said grudgingly.

"Sharingan isn't the only thing I know," Kakashi-sensei replied with slight amusement. "You don't last this long with only one skill."

So Zabuza didn't know I could sense him. I was glad about it and grateful Kakashi-sensei didn't feel like alerting him. If he did know… he'd probably target me too. Not something I was looking forward too. I was happy to stand in the shadows… if that wasn't too cliché.

And of course, just when you start thinking things are going well… is when they invariably turn to shit.

"SASUKE!" Naruto screamed.

It wasn't an annoyed 'Sasuke', as in 'you idiot'. It wasn't a frustrated 'Sasuke, why did you do that?'. It wasn't even a warning 'Sasuke, get down'.

It was worry, and fear. And just a little bit of disbelief.


Then came the nightmare.

I froze. That chakra…

Red and malevolent and angry and evil… yes, I knew that chakra. I had felt it before.

I needed to… I needed to move…

There was only darkness. I was small and helpless, lost and confused and alone and trapped in a body that would not, could not respond to my helpless panicked thoughts. I could hear a child, a baby, screaming but it wasn't me because I couldn't move, couldn't breathe couldn't do anything but lie still and hope we were hidden and please, please don't notice me…

Please, please, please…

I gasped, choking for air, for breath, for anything…

Later, when it had been explained to me, I would know that Kakashi-sensei had blasted the mist away with a powerful wind jutsu when he had sensed the seal weakening. Naruto had utterly destroyed Haku's Ice attacks, the Kyuubi chakra giving him enhanced speed and healing and the bubbling chakra acting like a shield. He had knocked Haku around, beating him down and nearly killed him. His rage had been short lived, though, in face of Haku's utter despair at being so overmatched.

Zabuza had been blasted with the wind jutsu and retreated further back down the bridge. He had grabbed Haku and once again the two of them were facing off against us. Only… Naruto was hunched over in the middle of the bridge, frozen in an attack pose, tears leaking down his face.

Sasuke was… Sasuke was lying limp in the middle of the remains of what looked like a field of mirrors. His chakra was diminished, but there.

That was the scene I returned to.

Mechanically, I picked up the kunai that I had dropped, distantly grateful that it hadn't gone through my foot.

"Naruto," I rasped, then coughed. My jaw ached, my throat felt raw. I swallowed, tasting the bitter acid of fear. "Naruto. Grab Sasuke and bring him here."

Naruto stared at me blankly for a long moment, before turning and making his way over to Sasuke. No one else moved.

It was a long journey back to us. Every step weighed down heavily on him. I could almost see him ageing as he walked.

Then gently, ever so gently, he lay Sasuke on the ground at my feet.

I swallowed and briefly closed my eyes. Those senbon… they had gone right through his neck. There was another straight through his wrist… and his back… and more besides…

Shit. If I didn't know… If I didn't know he was alive, I'd think he was dead, simply from the sheer amount of metal in him.

Carefully, I knelt and touched the ones around his neck. Kakashi-sensei loomed above us like an angry presence, eyes scorching into Zabuza and Haku. Having seen Kakashi-sensei swear to protect us… I didn't want to think about what he would do if one of us was truly dead.

Tnk. Tnk. Tnk.

The thin metal needles clattered on the concrete floor. The sound was obscenely loud in the sudden silence.

Tazuna sucked in a breath. "Is he…" he asked, half afraid of the answer.

"He… will be fine," I said, trying to inject confidence into my voice. This technique was something I knew nothing about. But his chakra was still there, a tiny burning ember in his heart, strong enough to roar back to life.

Naruto let out a sobbing cry, reaching for another senbon.

I stood, letting him continue that work, guiltily glad to turn away from the bloodied wreck of my team mate.

For a second, I spread my chakra sense wide, trying to see if there was anyone else in the area. I didn't have much range, which was something I knew I needed to work on.

Damn. Gatou came here… didn't he?

The problem with trying to remember… was that it was all so long ago. Memories naturally degrade with age, even those you try and remember.

I wondered if Gatou had some means of observing us. Scouts or binoculars or something of the kind. If that was the case, we'd have to get into a situation where one side appeared to lose.

Tough call.

Especially if Sensei didn't want to play anymore.

Because even with his mask… it was easy to tell that he was angry. It rolled off him in waves, like chakra, like Killing Intent, like heat. If you stood too close, you'd burn.

"I'm sorry Zabuza-sama," Haku said quietly, bowing his head. "I was unable to become the weapon you sought. I was … unable to defeat that boy. There is no reason for a weak shinobi such as I to exist."

"You've always been too soft, Haku," Zabuza said, hefting his sword again. "What's the matter, Kakashi? Haku kill one of your brats? Anyway, I'm about to send you all to the same place as him. You can apologise in the next world for not being strong enough to protect them."

Anger spiked.

Tazuna's bridge had odd sides. There was a raised lip, like a foot path or a bench, on top of which the railings sat. That extra height cast shadows, even now when it was nearly noon. There was a crane, half loaded with steel beams for the days work at the end of the bridge. It was positioned almost perfectly behind me.

They knew I was a Nara. They should have been watching for it. That they weren't was … disappointing.

My shadows ghosted down the side of the bridge and circled behind them, latching on silently.

"Shadow Paralysis Complete." I preferred the older form of the Jutsu, the one that paralysed instead of mimicked. It was simply easier when I didn't have to account for my opponent moving.

Almost in tandem Sensei and I raced forward. Zabuza swore.

I tackled Haku to the ground, knees bracketing his sides and pinning his hands down while I had a kunai to his throat. Sensei deprived Zabuza of his weapons, twisted his arms hard up against his back and slammed him face first into the pavement. Hard.

At this range, with touch, Shadow Paralysis was easy to hold. I don't know what Sensei was using, but he was bound to know a few tricks.

"Sasuke isn't dead, is he?" I asked Haku, not quite able to keep the urgency out of my voice. "You used the same needle trick you used on Zabuza on him, didn't you?"

He swallowed; the facial muscles are some of the few that the Shadow Jutsu doesn't paralyse. "If I say no, will you kill me?"

It was a little heartbreaking, if I'd been a more empathetic person. He would rather die than disappoint Zabuza, even a little bit.

I considered it. "No. But I'll probably cry." It wouldn't spark rage in me like it did in Naruto. Besides, I knew Sasuke wasn't dead. I could feel his chakra pulsing like a banked ember. I just… needed to know that he'd be okay.

There was a large difference between alive and alright.

Then I felt it.

"Incoming! Chakra signs from the east! At least fifty, civilian level!" The east was out over the water. They were coming by boat.

Sensei made a sound that might have been a swearword. "Backup, Zabuza?"

The boat was swift and silent and docked easily. If we hadn't had warning, if the mist had still been up, we could have missed it. The men disembarked. My guess had been close to accurate, and they were all mercenaries, bar for one.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

His cane tapped against the floor. He was short, with wild hair and glasses. He was dressed in a pretentious suit. Immediately, I suspected who it was.

"Oooh, you're getting your ass kicked, how disappointing," he mocked.

What an idiot. You should at least make sure your ninja opponents are heavily injured before you start insulting them.

"Gatou. Why are you here?" Zabuza grunted sounding annoyed. "And what's with all these men?"

"Hehe, the plan has changed," Gatou said. Then he seemed to consider. "Well, actually, I planned to do this from the beginning. Zabuza, I'm going to have you killed here."

No, seriously. An idiot.

"What?" Zabuza barked, straining against Sensei's hold.

Gatou seemed only too pleased to elaborate, rubbing Zabuza's face in his victory. "I never planned on paying you any money. Hiring normal ninja from a village is expensive, and they may betray me. So I get missing-nin who are easy to take care of afterwards. I have the ninja battle each other, and once they're weakened, I kill them off with numbers." I wondered just how many times he'd done this… and to what calibre ninja. Fifty men after a long battle would do me in… but Sensei would probably survive it. "It doesn't cost me anything. Good plan, don't you think? The only problem with this plan was you, Zabuza. The Devil of the Hidden Mist? What a joke if you ask me. You're just a cute little baby devil."

Haku's face below me was shocked.

"Well, in that case," I drawled, shrugging and spinning my kunai to reholster it. I stood, releasing my jutsu and offering him a hand. Numbly, he took it and I hauled him to his feet. It looked like a truce had been declared.

"We can kill you easy," one of the thugs boasted.

"Kakashi, this fight is over," Zabuza snarled. "Now that I have no reason to go after Tazuna, I have no reason to fight you."

Kakashi-sensei considered, logic overriding his rage. "Very well."

There was a ripple of unease in the crowd as Zabuza stood and picked up Kubikiri Bocho. Yes, he and Haku had some injuries, and yes, there was blood smeared on them… but it wasn't excessive by any means.

But they weren't clever enough to know that they were getting in over their heads.

"I didn't like you from the day I set foot here," Zabuza spat. "And I especially dislike those who go back on their word." He levelled his sword at the group. "I think I'll enjoy killing you."

Gatou's eyes flickered madly, landing on me. "Isn't he your enemy?"

What, did I look easy to manipulate just because I was a girl? "Nah, not really. Just because we were fighting doesn't mean we're enemies. Besides," I said offhandedly. "You're the one threatening our client, so this works out best for us."

"Get them!" Gatou ordered. There was a clattering of metal, as swords were drawn.

Then Naruto stood, raising his chin and glaring at Gatou. "You know… we've got reinforcements too."

"That's right!" Another, familiar voice shouted. Inari? "If you come any further onto this island, the citizens of this country will stop you with everything we've got!"

It was Inari. And four Naruto clones, backed by half the population of Wave Country carrying crossbows and pitchforks and shovels and … frying pans?

I smirked, bemused.

Then it was on. Melee. Mayhem. Madness. That was the only word for it. I couldn't keep track of what was going happening. My shadow lashed out, freezing fighters where they stood. I blocked a sword with my kunai, threw a brace of shuriken, kicked someone in the groin, clawed someone across the face. There were Naruto's dancing through the combat, hitting and taking hits and popping into smoke. There was ice and water and Sensei flickering in and out of eyesight. The villagers had charged.

It was chaos. It was terrifying.

And Zabuza was tearing through the thugs like a demon. There was… a genjutsu? No, it was his chakra solidified and projected into the terrifying shape of a demons head, towering above the bridge. Gatou cowered and tried to run but there was no where to go. He had no escape from the Devil trying to send him to hell.

Then it stopped. Men lay groaning, lay dieing. The villagers stumbled back, shock and disbelief and hope and pride in their faces. They had fought for their homes. They had won.

And Sasuke was sitting up.