
After seeing the commotion, the wasps were rushing ahead and some had already reached the entrance. If I flew out now I would meet them head on.

Suddenly the hunter wasp following me, crashed through an opening in the battle, brandishing its stinger toward me.

But, before it could reach me, it was torn from the air by a creature who caught its head in its jaws, in an attack that nearly ripped its head off. 

As I looked at its attacker, I was surprised at the sight of a familiar creature. It was my cellmate, the lizard who had been following me all through the chase. It had somehow gotten through the battles unscathed and appeared in front of me now. 

With the wasp restrained, I immediately stung it and its struggle ceased between the lizard's jaws where Its head was promptly crushed, leaving behind a bleeding mess. But then the second wasp that had been supporting it in its chase appeared.