«Why are you running?!» Sensei's voice cut through my hysteria. «You just beat a LV19 monster, what are you doing quivering from mere LV5 spiders?»
"They're hairy and gross! And don't ignore that big LV12 one right there!"
Sensei scoffed. «Stop acting like a girl. Get back there and kill them!»
"No way!" I refused without any hesitation.
Also, I am a girl, snake or not!
But that's not the point. The thought of any of those things touching me with their hairy legs - even to brush up against them - made me shudder.
«You've dealt with spiders in the hive, so what's the problem now?»
"That's different. They were unconscious and just a few in number. And they didn't look anything like that!"
All the hair, on top of the creepy crawling feeling - and the mandibles going SNAP SNAP. It was just too much for me.
«Fight them even if you have to do so with your eyes closed!» was Sensei's unhelpful advice.