Predatory Forest

Sensei hadn't said anything but there was definitely something there. I could feel it moving along the tip of my left horn and in the air, I fought against the urge to reach for it. 

Above the ground, I saw the pink leafed forest and all of its trees swaying gently in the wind. As pretty as they were, I regarded each one with suspicion, taking care to avoid the branches as I flew past. If they could move before, nothing stopped them from doing so again. 

The tiny figure of the dark fae was hovering in the distance, and she seemed to have stopped to let me catch up. Our telepathic connection was still active, so I drew closer to question her.

[Hey, what's on my head?] 

[Horns?] The dark fae said without looking at me. She was still sulking and had her tiny arms crossed. [Hurry up and follow me. You need to meet our leader.]

[Look again.] I said with urgency.