Too Many Prying Eyes!

Under lush pink leaves, in a dungeon now wafting with a refreshing floral scent, a large, speckled serpent with jewel pink eyes, stared down in disapproval at a cell filled with reptilian creatures.

[You really have bad taste.] Arsinoe complained to no one in particular. [If you want companions, why not pick creatures a little more appealing to look at.]

Her words were met with silence, which made her sigh.

The reptiles were rather strange to look at. One half had feathers sprouting along their leathery heads, arms and tails, while the others had greenish spikes that looked similar to quartz along their backs. 

The two creatures were clearly separate kinds, yet all of them had the same creepy yellow eyes that reminded her of a certain someone.

Arsinoe tilted her head in thought, and sixty pairs of bright eyes turned to track her movement.