Suspicious Array

|[Are you ready?]| I asked the jittery serpents near me.

Cygnus nodded in a stoic way that reminded me of Typhon, followed by Delphine who looked at her surroundings in amazement. We were in the underground, each of us waiting around for the Veladrys to finish their creation. 

Cygnus and Delphine were the closest serpents to me, with one on either side, followed by Artemis who waited with Apollo. Morgana, on the other hand, was the furthest away and the most nervous.

I made sure she and Apollo stayed ahead of me at all times so I could watch them – which didn't exactly make for a comfortable experience, but it was essential for my peace of mind.

However, while Apollo busied himself with looking at the bottom feeders moving through the underground cells, Morgana remained ramrod straight, her eyes focused on the Veladrys as they worked.

There were several of them with us, each one playing a part in fostering some plant growth or another.