Chapter 8; Marry Me

Chapter 8

We sat, looking at each other, none backing down from their stare. Prince Zachary continued to smile, his expression not faltering.

"Well, it seems it still hasn't awakened." He muttered.

Catching his words in my ears, I tried to decipher what he had meant. What was meant to awaken? Did he figure that I know the future? My eyebrows furrowed as the thoughts rushed through my mind. My heartbeat picked up slightly, was he going to do something to me?

"your-," my words were cut off as he raised his hand to stop me.

"You seem like a viable candidate." He said approvingly.

Candidate for what?

"it seems your relationship with the duke of Dominic isn't as true as the rumours say." He said in curiosity sipping on his tea.

I smiled bitterly thinking about Anthony, my so-called soon to be fiancé that was eyeing my sister. Oh, how he deserves to be buried six feet underground by my spade. I felt the tears brim my eyes, as I thought of ho id dedicated almost 5 whole years to a scum like him, only for him to do what he did to me. Unconsciously my hand moved up to my throat as the memory of how the guillotine had come down, and he had stood there watching me, not even blinking.

"My Lady, are you okay?"

"oh? Yes! I am fine" I said, trying to get my mind off the horrible memory.

Picking up my cup I sipped on the tea, only for it to have tasted cold. Funny how warmth does not last, and when it's gone, you long for it. Sighing I gulped it all at once.

"Marry Me winter Azalea Vere Le Monroe"

I spat out the tea that had entered my mouth as soon the words fell out his mouth. My face heated up at what I had just done. How embarrassing and unladylike. I felt as though I had heard the prince wrong, did he just ask to marry me?

"P-pardon?" I stuttered.

"Marry me," he said.

This made no sense, I felt myself get dizzy. Why would the prince ask to marry me? Was I that charming when we had made eye contact, did he perhaps….fall in love with me? I snorted at my thoughts. Yeah right.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Do not get me wrong, I'm proposing a marriage of convenience." He said bluntly.

Wow…way to make a girl's heart flutter. This man was indeed cold.

"Why is it me?" I questioned.

He swirled his teacup as though looking for an answer to appease me,

"you just happened to be the person fate decided to hand to me." He said expressionlessly.

I said nothing as my eyes fell to my lap. Putting the teacup down, I looked up at the unwavering prince that sat before me. Of all the people at this banquet he asked to marry me, there was something else he wanted.

"That's a great family you have." He said making me snap my eyes at him.

This man was sly. He knew my situation and he was using that to calculate his wins and losses with this kind of marriage. This prince was indeed heartless.

"as you have already realized your highness, there is nothing good about getting married to someone like me," I said with a faltered smile.

'AHHHHHHH…" I screamed inwardly my face trying to hold my smile.

What was I doing? My heart was thumping in my chest. This was the best opportunity to exploit one another and get what we wanted. His highness put his empty cup down, chuckling at my words.

Did I say something funny?

Silenced passed over us, as no words were exchanged. The awkward atmosphere seemed to only weigh down on me, as prince Zachary, sat back in his seat in comfort. I continued to look down to my lap, my eyes refusing to move.

A knock came through the door, bringing us back to reality. Allen made his presence known again making my face redden. I had forgotten he was here. Zachary sat up from his comfortable position, his calm face hardening as Allen opened the door.

Allen then turned back to us. "Your highness, the Monroe family is leaving the banquet and requested for the lady," Allen said.

It felt like the world was turning in the opposite direction. Since when did they worry about whether someone like me would make it home dead or alive. Just moments ago, they were all trying to get rid of me, what changed?

"Ah," I said. "Tell them, in case they had forgotten, I had come on my own, so I will be leaving on my own," I said, my rage boiling on the inside as I tried speaking in a calm manner.

"Pfft," I heard prince Zachary laugh.

I turned to him my face turning slightly red, he was another problem I had to deal with here and now. Allen nodded at my words talking to the person outside. Closing the door, Zachary stood up walking towards the window, closing it, preventing the cold wind of the night come in.

This was an opportunity. At this point the moment I reached that wretched mansion they were not going to leave me unscathed. I needed to do something and something fast.

"Your highness," I called out to him.

He turned away from the mirror facing me, giving me his attention. I cleared my throat as I felt my nervousness rise.

"Should we get married?" I asked him.

He paused for a moment as if registering my words. He studied my face as he nodded at my words. His expression was unchanging. He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off.

"but," I said stopping him from uttering anything, "Lets set some terms, shall we?" I proposed.

Something glinted in his eyes as a small smile made its way on is his face.


The Monroe carriage rode in silence. The marquis fuming in anger. After Winter had left with the prince, they had become the talk of the banquet. The marquis looked towards his wife, who had a distraught expression on her face as she sat in the carriage silently.

This was the first time Winter had defied him. She was always so meek and quiet, so he thought she would simply submit like she always did. Something had changed in his daughter's behaviour, but he could not pinpoint out what exactly.

Anita rubbed her mother's back as her thoughts continued to play. The crown prince of the empire. A man who was known for being heartless and uncaring. this man was known to slaughter as is eyes held mercy.

She had seen it, the cold and murderous eyes that he had looked towards everyone with. It did not change even when he had helped that stupid sister of hers. But that act of his was not in character. She could not understand why he would help her and then send the messenger back without Winter.

She bit her nail roughly.

What was going on?