Chapter 26: The Awakening (2)

I am realllyyyy trying my hardest to be consistent, so I'm sorry for my on and off self. Please do bear with me though 😊

Chapter 26:

I stood in a dark hallway again. This place, so surreal yet its something I felt I should know but couldn't trigger my mind into remembering. The blood-stained carpet before my feet led to the large double door, but this time large chains visibly locked the door.

"Is anyone there?" I questioned loudly.

Ruffling sounds from behind the door echoed as a large bang echoes making me fall back in fear, my heart plummeting in my chest. As though it wasn't scary enough to already be trapped here, in a place unknown to me.

"Winter my dear, Winter…" a voice echoed. "Won't you free me?"

As soon as those sweet tantalizing words played like honey in my ears, though my mind was still conscious my body began to move towards the door, almost as thou I was hypnotized physically. Nearing the door, a burning surge of pain flowed throughout my body unexpectedly. And though it hurt and it felt as though my insides were burning, not a single peep, made its way out of my mouth.

I wanted to yell and scream out in pain, but nothing came out as my hypnotized body continued to force its way closer to the door despite the writhing pain that rang alarming bells telling me to stay away from and to stop.

It felt as though I was slowly losing consciousness the closer I reached for the door. And slowly my eyes felt droopy. Was I going to lose myself in this? This thing I hardly understand.

"NO!" the voice yelled out. "NOT YET! I SAID NOT YET!" the voice screamed impatiently, but the words were beginning to fade as I fell into darkness only for my eyes to open locking with deep blue eyes. My body shivered and writhed in a burning sensation unbeknownst to me.

To say it felt painful was an understatement, it was almost as though, I was being dragged through a pit of fire and the only thing I could do was cry. Ah, my shitty luck.

What had I done to deserve this? To think changing my fate would be this painful, maybe I should have beheaded myself instead of getting myself into this mess. Ah winter, what luck you have.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" a small voice said shakily as his small hands quivered as he tried lifting my head to rest it in his lap.

He stroked mt hai gently as he lay me down standing up in a panic, "Don't die///1 you can't die yet! I'm going to get some help, Don't die okay?!" the voice said quite demandingly but you could hear the fear behind it.

The little boy who id met earlier had run off into the corner, and though I wanted to tell him and reassure him that everything was going to be okay, I couldn't let out a single word as I slowly felt my vision diminishing.

'forget being in pain, this darkness this was a total niche and cliché I could almost cry. Way to change fate only to not be able to control how you even faint Winter,' I smiled to myself as I passed out yet again.

I wonder if I was going to die? As if.


Azef ran at the most speed his legs could take him, but being as small as he was he couldn't get very far and very fast. He was making his way back to his bedroom when an awful stench had made its way up to his nose.

It was one of those dark things. But he had not come across one ever since hed been adopted by Zachary. Because Zachary made sure of it. So it was quite odd to have sensed the creature. Hed heard a thud a he made his way to the disgusting stench and when he had gotten there, light surged, making him cover his eyes, only to see his soon to be mother falling from a distance onto the tiled palace floor.

Rushing his way to her side, she had already blacked out, his heart plummeted in his chest. They hadn't even met yet, what was she doing here getting hurt? Trying to call her, she didn't respond making him panic, as he stood up, she huffed in pain. Rushing to her side again, he tried pulling her to his room, but as weak as he was, he couldn't do anything. Her eyes opened as a tear rolled from them, she huffed in pain, her entire body feeling as hot as it could get.

Azef couldn't help but want to cry at being helpless for the first time in 2 years. He needed to get help and he needed to get help fast.

Continuing to run down the hall his body bumped into someone making him retract back and falling. His eyes locked with his fathers as a wave of relief slowly washed over him.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you running like you're being chased? And why are you here> were you seen by anyone" Zachary questioned. The boy looked terrified, but he couldn't worry about Azef with Winter on his mind.

Azef breathed heavily as he pulled on Zachary's sleave making Zachary raise his eyebrow at him. This was unlike him. The boy was usually reserved and listened well. he knew that he wasn't allowed near these areas especially if there was light out.

"Help her," Azef said.

"Help who? Get to the point Azef," he pushed him to speak.

"The big sist- no mom, she's hurt,"

Zachary's eyes widened at the boy's words as he pushed past making his way in the direction the boy came from. Winter? Hurt? It couldn't be… he tried to deny.

Picking up his speed, the stench contaminated the entire place.

'A …shadow?' he thought to himself, what was a shadow doing in the palace? How did it get in? he had no time to ponder these questions as he watched her body lay there, she breathed painfully. Zachary lifted her up in a hurry, and for the first time, he felt panic.

She just had to be okay. She didn't have a choice.