
What if I'll be gone?

My friend will you miss me?

My friend will you remember me?

My friend will you cry?

My friend don't!!

If ever I'll be gone

Don't cry, don't look for me anywhere.

Just stay where you are,

Put your hands in your chest.

Feel the beat of your heart and feel me.

I will never go away, far from you

I'll be right beside you, Always

Even though I'm not here.

Just remember, I'm just invisible in your sight, but visible in your heart.

My friend I will always thank you

For everything, for the memories, through the good times and bad.

Your always there to comfort and share with me.

Don't ever give up with your life

Even though there are trials

Still you can make it.

Cause I know your strong.

And I'll be your angel that will guide you through

I love you my friend and I'll always be with you.

Goodbye and God bless you

