"A Child"

How humble is our Lord for as a child He open wide his arms and accepts us as who we are a sinner. For in His humility we had experience the love of God to all mankind. For in His humility even the punishment of death He even obediently accepted. All those humiliations, pains and sufferings that instead of I, He was the one who was been shamefully objected, rejected and crucified. For as He was born a little child still the smile of love was on His lips that shows how precious we are in the sight of God. His love to us which overflows as river, full of mercy and compassion gives blessings and graces for us to use in pondering His words and to occupy the empty spaces in our hearts. But how can I, a mere human, a sinner in my entire being. Did not even care God's overflowing love for me. Did not make use the blessings and graces for the good intention He wills. Why am I so full of myself knowing that there is God who is my master and I lend my service too.?