First Blood {Beta}

The art of the unknown is a powerful tool utilized by skilled fighters to threaten inexperienced opponents in combat. However, even without the user's consent, this skill was still in effect for we are about to discover the horrifying end of those who are misinformed. Despite escaping the rabid undead successfully, our protagonists and the zombie were not fully prepared for the next set of events.

After the water stopped bubbling violently, Ricardo went to inspect the bottom of the river where their assailant was grounded. Not seeing a trace of it left behind, he assumed they were safe for the time being.

Immediately following Ricardo's sigh of relief was a trident thrown with the strength of a first-rate olympian champion and impaling the bowels of our hero. The sensation was surreal to Ricardo, it stung so badly he went completely mute for a brief period even shedding tears while holding back his agony. He only knew that death was imminent for he only had a single heart left on his health bar and his drumstick bar was completely out of commission.

Even though he was in great pain, he still mustered enough will to begin running and yelled "WTF IS THAT DMG MY GUY??!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOO ITAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIII, WE AINT SAFE YET!"

He had realized it wasn't a game anymore and the afterlife shifted closer with each passing second. After putting a good distance between the abomination that emerged from the river, the two looked back and saw a larger undead that was charged with lightning as it began to conjure another trident.

Ricardo was slowly losing consciousness from the blow to his guts. His mind and vision simultaneously blurring out and feathering into a single dot. Now succumbed by blindness, Ricardo stumbled causing him to regain a brief jolt of vision. The sight of his blood trail was the only thing he could see which sealed the fact that he was already a sitting duck.

"Take" *coughs blood "the trident and kill that thing..... you can do it...... I don't have long... fock... I didn't live by my own words..... before I go..." *spits blood "take the trident and beat that bastard...." Ricardo. "can I get a-n F pls..."

"f...." Carl spoke while trembling and crying as he slowly pulled out the trident.

To others, Ricardo might be a bit of a headache and unapproachable. However, he was Carl's best friend who stuck with him through thick and thin long before any of this had begun. Strong remorse surged from within his deepest mind. Wrath that would consume all who dare trifle with it. His hands shook rapidly and caused more blood to leak out.

"YOU ASS, KILL HIM ALREADY!!!! Jesus, my acting was on point." Ricardo screamed and pulled out the trident for his friend. "Here and don't forget: dying is gay and I'm no gay"

The guilt and burden on his chest lifted when Carl saw his friend moving lively as if the pain was never there. Now determined to slay the beast, he quickly turned around and went straight for the offensive.

The enemy had already formed another weapon of its own while entering a lancing stance. Its unfamiliarity with the bulkier body caused it to be off by a few seconds, allowing our hero to land the first blow on the face. Like in the past, it didn't flinch as if it doesn't have any receptors intact. Following his initiative, Carl furiously landed hit over hit until the damage accumulated enough to knock the behemoth over.

Being at a disadvantage and pinned to the ground, the zombie channeled lightning through its body and Carl's trident conducted it well enough to shock the user. Using the time it made for itself, the undead tried to get back on its feet only to be met with a player holding a wooden block that hammered the stuck trident like a nail.

{Advancement Completed : Taking Inventory [Minecraft Series]}

Carl discovered something valuable from this attack as it inflicted greater harm than his previous strikes. A critical strike had been landed yet both fighters did not know what triggered it. Panicking further, our hero repeated the hammer strike again and again.

As a last attempt for victory, the zombie bent its arms and held onto the trident, then it repelled its torso upwards causing the nailed trident to slide deeper. Within a small span of aerial time, the monster grabbed Carl's face and channeled a surplus amount of lightning energy into his arm.

Our protagonist's health bar evaporated quicker than a snowflake in hell. His mind grew numb from the exposure to so many volts of electricity in tiny intervals. The feeling was so intense that his five senses were mixed up and could no longer function normally.

Like most people in near-death situations, Carl's life flashed before his eyes.

*Life flashing

"How bout we hang out eh?"


"can I borrow some money pls?"

"excellent work, you guys are now the new news department team"

"sirs, allow me to escort you lot to that place of yours"

"D Y I N G IS G A Y!"

*Snapback to reality

The creature was lying there motionless and its grip loosened up. His eyes swayed towards the left where an electrified Ricardo could be seen lying with a seizure. He didn't know at the time but Ricardo used his last ounce of strength to land the finishing blow on the undead and giving himself electrocution.

"you cant be serious! no no no. You can't die on me... RICARDO!!!!" Carl grieved with guilt as he clenched his fist.

"shhh, at least let your savior sleep. I've still got half a heart left. look... at the moves.... Rick Car Door what was that?!" Ricardo uttered before passing out.

{Advancement Completed : Monster Hunter [Adventure Series]}

Finally celebrating their win, Carl absorbed the experience dropped by the defeated zombie. Only to be rewarded with more undead surrounding him as the commotion was quite loud and flashy. However, these undeads seemed lesser to an extent for they moved sluggishly and slower compared to the one our duo took out.

Without any resistance, the exhausted Carl passed out. His consciousness wandered somewhere else far beyond where they currently were.

*Grayed Out Vision

"I'm scared, Ryan? Jemma? Somebody, please..... help..... me....." the voice of a shy boy echoed.

Hell was replaying itself right in front of our hero's eyes as if he originally took part in the acting.