The Dreamer

Escapisms come in many forms. It could either be immersing oneself in a hobby or simply relaxing while losing oneself in their own thoughts.

Our protagonists rest within a cave until their sleep was interrupted by the sound of a young girl calling them up.

"um... hello? wakey wakey? Ric-car-do?" she spoke.

Ricardo swipes her hand away as she tried to give them a little shake to wake them up. "mOm, gImmE mOrE mINuTes!"

He was then hit with a facial smack so hard it caused him to immediately jolt up with a frenzied face. He looked around and saw a humble wooden room with a fireplace beneath a chimney. The atmosphere was homely due to the simplicity of its decorations. A simple bunk bed, a small table, and a tinier stool next to it.

There were two people staring at the sleepyhead. They were Carl with a raised hand and a young girl with a worried face.

After freshening up with a glass of warm water, Ricardo followed the girl with Carl outside the room showing that it was in fact just a compact wooden cottage in a village surrounded by very large trees.

The place was very colorful and vibrant. It was a jungle full of green without any constructed road. The houses were placed unevenly, you would find an area full of houses while other places had barely any, even down till only a single small cottage.

It doesn't stop there, there were happy animals roaming about the land. Cows, pigs even chickens were leisurely living their lives with the energetic villagers. Everyone seemed thankful for the cool breeze flowing around the jungle, it felt chilly at first but something worth getting used to.

"How's the view?" the girl asked.

Her voice was sweet and soft, retaining pure innocence to match her looks. She was short in height, her skin as white as snow complemented by an elegant white dress. Her most distinctive feature was her long silky blond hair that reached her knees.

Carl and Ricardo stood out the most since their clothing was more modern and fashionable. Ricardo wore casual clothes while Carl dressed in a black suit resembling a secret agent on a mission. This was because they were the clothes that Carl and Ricardo had on before being abducted and imprisoned in this world.

Despite this fact, the people in the village paid no attention to the girl and her bizarre companions.

"Ugandic" Ricardo answered.

"Breath-take-ing??" Carl answered.

The girl simply giggled but at the same time slightly frowned. "Well, this was how it used to be. We had lived in peace. And now, only pieces remain of this place."

"Ye, it seems we may have a misunderstanding here. You see, I really don't give a shiet about side quests so even if the whole place was burning, I wouldn't even consider helping." Ricardo openly told the girl. "Unless the rewards were C-H-O-N-K!"

"Ricardo! At least hear her out." his friend added.

She pointed towards another cottage next to theirs and a blond boy of similar age left the house heading for the village's entrance. The three chased the boy until they reached the outskirts of the village.

It was a huge wooden gate with vines tying each jungle log together. Two towering jungle trees served the gate's foundation and each bore their very own fruits. Cocoa beans dangled from their bark due to the size and shape of the plant.

When he had reached the gate, the blond boy climbed the vines that are tied to each tree's branches. As he climbed, the scenic view became even more majestic. There was an entire kingdom hovering above their heads.

Carl and Rick couldn't believe it. The place was ginormous compared to the minuscule village underneath it. There were wheat farms, animal pens, silly-looking gazebos, a large market full of native items as well as long bridges that connect the treehouses.

Suddenly, they started levitating upwards. Upon reaching the kingdom within the trees, they looked around to see why they had flown up here.

The blond girl waved her hand and showed a smile. She told them she was able to make them float at will and move them to any point in time. However, there was a limit to this. She didn't tell them how or why and asked them to watch the events unfold to better understand where they were.

The little boy had gone to the market to buy some fertilizer using Minecraft's currency which was emerald coins. This seemed weird to the two since, during the past times in their history lessons, people exchanged coins made of hard metals, not gems. They also wanted to know how advanced each Minecraft race was to be able to refine brittle gems into such clean round pieces without damaging them.

After his purchase, the boy climbed back down to his house while Carl, Rick, and their guide teleported to the boy's backyard ahead of time. It was a garden of sunflowers.

"OI, dats illegal! How can you grow stuff down here with that big kingdom blocking the sunlight?" Ricardo seemed baffled and even continued with "wait, why is it so bright out here now that I think about it. There are no light sources that I can think of."

The girl proceeded to chant unfamiliar words out, causing highlighted inscriptions to appear on some of the trees and houses.

These were Minecraft's form of 'magic'. We call them 'Enchantments'.

Before the girl could even explain how enchantments were created to Carl and Rick, they instantly woke up due to loud rumblings in the cave they were sleeping in.

*Both opened their eyes and their surrounding seemed hazy and shaky

"It's a stone crusher enchantment! QUICK BREAK THE COBBLESTONES AT THE ENTRANCE!" Ryan yelled.

Ricardo immediately got up and began to drive his fists into the blocks. "THE CRACKS AIN'T SHOWIN MAN!!!"

*ground breaks

Carl and Ricardo began to scream like little girls while Ryan grabbed both of their waists and began enchanting again.

"berk jerng slap muan bei" (Feather Falling III)

Ryan started to vomit and feel a little amnesiac. The sight caused Ricardo and Carl to panic and squirm even more.

The three closed their eyes until they heard an echoey thump. Upon reopening them, they found themselves in an enclosed space. The dark hallways were held up by what seemed to be wooden braces. The floor was made out of wooden planks that felt uneasy to stand on.

*The floor creaked when Ricardo took a step forward

"asdfkansdfjknasjidfnasdf!" *looks left and right "I LIVE! STUPID WORLD! YOU CAN'T JUST KILL THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES YOU INTERESTING!" Ricardo shouted.

*His speech echoed deeper into the caverns and the sound of bats flying responded to it