The caverns of Minecraft's many mineshaft systems have tiny rooms that can offer shelter to wanderers who seek rest. However, with the spiders' rise to power, much of these rooms fall under their control. One would be lucky to discover an unclaimed room.
The party of four was now taking a breather in one of the aforementioned rooms. Dan, the creeper, and Ricardo, the crazed, were both left unconscious due to a slight misunderstanding. The only ones awake were Ryan and Carl.
Since the mineshaft seemed illogically structured, they agreed to lay low so they wouldn't be sniffed out by the arachnids. To them, the place seemed like the inner workings of an abandoned stronghold. While Ryan was exploring, he managed to draw out a small area surrounding where they had fallen down.
It seemed they were close to a waterfall that was located in an underground ravine. There were many entrances to the other side of the ravine but the open area meant if they were to cross the ravine, an ambush would be very likely to happen. There was another thing they had to consider. The place where they had fallen in from, wasn't likely an exit, as it was rigged with a one-time activation enchantment.
In the world of Minecraft, there are two types of enchantments. The first type consists of temporary spells that only stayed active for a brief period of time. The other type was permanent but sacrifices a large portion of its counterpart's effects.
Although rare, it is possible to have a perpetual enchantment that was able to refuel itself with experience orbs if the enchanter set the conditions right. An example would be the evoker's resurrection enchantment. Despite being extremely powerful, it seemed to not have a duration, the undead maintained their top strength throughout the entire encounter.
Ryan and Carl wanted to barricade the room as they wait for the other two to recover. Ryan used his remaining cobblestone blocks to build a wall that cut their room off from the entire mineshaft system. As for Carl, he finally utilized the crafting feature and began lighting the room up with more torches.
Ryan was slightly confused and asked how Carl was able to make torches with no burnable source. "Have you been mining for coal?"
"um... no?"
"Then how did you craft torches? Three coal was all I had." Ryan continued.
"uh... You do realize you can pass the flames from one torch to another right? I just put one stick in the crafting grid and one stick in the adjacent one then BOOM. I have given a new torch life."
Not only was Ryan baffled but he also started to think about all the time he spent looking for coal to continue his past mining spree. He thought about how much coal he would've saved if he had just thought about this simple method.
"Cursed. Burn it. My shame will live as long as this idea persists."
"Wait. Does no one in this world know about this??? If an 'elite ten' doesn't even know about it? What is the average intelligence of everyone here???? You're telling me. Big ass flying machines, crazy invocations, zombifying serums, and NO ONE thought about this?????"
Carl asked Ryan more questions about Minecraft and he tried to experiment with more of the world's laws by basing the tests on the laws from his own world.
All he had to work with were wooden blocks from the Hollow Forest but seeing how Ricardo was able to magically poof out spatulas without a carving tool, he wanted to see if he can produce similar results.
Players and certain mobs have access to a feature known as crafting. It uses materials placed in a two by two grid to make a new item. If two separate items happen to have the same recipe, it is up to the crafter to decide which item comes out of the crafting.
First, he began making sticks to expand his material pool. He used the newly made sticks to craft a slightly longer stick.
"um.... what is this? am I not focusing enough??? I was supposed to get a boomerang not a 'slightly longer stick'. Do I need a rope or something?"
Carl inspected the item further and it is exactly what its name suggested. There was no special property, he didn't get any damage boost when comparing to another normal stick. It was just... a long stick.
He began waving his new weapon. Due to the IKEA effect, Carl deemed the first experiment a success. This long stick will stick with him through thick and thin until the day it decides to break.
However, he grew more and more flustered with each swing until he eventually came to his senses.
"AIGHT! This game does not want me to leave. Ricardo was right. Sometimes, when you're the main character, you are always under this stupid divine blessing of luck. But we ain't that. We might as well give up now."
With all of his anger, Carl threw the slightly longer stick at a wall which caused the stick to break into three smaller sticks. When he scavenged all the pieces, his mind was excited for he thought he had discovered a breakthrough. He scanned through his inventory until he found what he was looking for. Unfortunately, not what he had hoped for.
"THERE'S A SLIGHTLY SMALLER STICK TOO????? NO DUPLICATION?? Damn, with all the stupid flaws like no gravity, no proper tutorial, and even no 'main quest'. Why would you not give me what I want???? GAME!!! IT'S NOT LIKE INFINITE STICKS WOULD HELP ME CONQUER THIS WORLD AMIRITE???!!!" Carl shouted.
His voice echoed out of the room and clickety clacks rebounded back into their room. Carl totally forgot about the spiders' presence and accidentally yelled. This time, the click sounds felt closer.
*Hiss Hiss
A brand new type of hiss introduced itself. This one sounded a tad bit different compared to the creeper's. The clicks and hisses gradually increased in frequency until the spiders reached the barricade Ryan had set up.
*Hiss... Click... Hiss...
Ryan tried to reassure Carl that they were in a safe spot. Even if spiders could move blocks, it would take them quite a considerable amount of time before they could actually tear open a hole big enough to enter.
*Clack goes the sound of a stone block being moved
Tiny pieces of stone particle fell from the room's ceiling. The noise made the two players put up their guards. Carl held the left side while Ryan with the right. They haven't confirmed which block was moved yet. The only thing they knew was that spiders probably surrounded their party already. The only way they could escape was mowing through a straight line while carrying their unconscious friend.
*Loud Stone Friction Noises