You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy

If you will only say the same

But if you leave me and love another

You'll regret it all someday

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away...

I could hear someone singing sweetly beside me. Actually I throw pillows on the person, who's disturbing my beauty sleep, But this sound reminded me of someone. I opened my eyes halfway to see an old lady smiling sweetly.

" NANA..!!" I jumped from the bed and hugged her tightly. She is Sarah, the most daring, stubborn and loving grandma. She had been living in Alfriston and I get to visit her only twice or thrice a month because of my school and the busy schedule of my parents.

"Happy birthday Yoobi and congratulations ..!" She said pulling from the hug.

Nana is the person who found my love for music and encouraged to learn more. My mom always says that I have Nana's voice. But it's a mystery whom I got this personality,

"I'll be downstairs dear. Get ready and come soon." Nana said as she closed the door and went down. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom to see my hair in its morning glory...Ugh!!

'Wow! I should really audition for the role of a zombie at the movie resident evil because that have many ugly ass zombies I've ever seen. I thought as I tamed my hair with fingers and got a shower. I got downstairs to see it deserted.

Where are these nincompoops..?? No way they could forget my birthday..!!??

Usually, during any one of our member's birthday, the rest of us would stay at their house for the whole day, celebrating and having a sleepover. It's a tradition in our dope gang. I was going to beat the crap out of them, suddenly,

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOOBI..!! ". Suddenly they rushed to the living room from kitchen screaming. 'God, what would I've done without these monkeys in my life!?' I thought, smiling widely. We started doing decoration, I was blowing balloons when we were interrupted by the doorbell.

I opened to see my bandmates. I wasn't surprised to see the person who came along with them. It was Hayden Young.


A few days back.

At school, we walked to our lockers to take our books.

"Hey Venus ! " a voice came from the class which was next to my locker. It was Hayden; the golden boy and the heartthrob of our school. He was in his senior year and was the captain of our school's football team. He was worshipped by the entire girls and boys of our school.

Wait...How did he know my name??? , Then it suddenly hit me; Perrie. Hayden was her classmate. I made a mental note to ask her later.

"Hey, Hayden?" My response came out more like a question. He might have noticed the hesitancy in my voice. I looked into his green eyes, it was taking me into a trance. I can't judge these ladies worshipping him ..he's indeed handsome.

He continued " I need to ask you something. Would you like....". Before he could continue, his teammates gathered. He was staring at them in an embarrassing way.

All the teammates were looking at me and Hayden in a mocking way. (wth!!??)

Vice-captain Jake asked me" Are you, Venus? " I nodded. He continued " Hayden watches your music and dance practice, And he uwuiwkes uwu ...". His words were abruptly cut off by Hayden and his face was all red like a tomato. Was he blushing?? Oh gosh, I'm gonna die of laughter.

"See you later Venus.... bye." Hayden was fast with his words and fled from there immediately. I turned to see Bai looking at me creepily. Then a smile crept to her lips which shortly changed to a smirk. She pushed her glasses from the tip of her nose and said,

"Yoobi. He likes you "

" WHAT!!??" , I yelled at her surprised.

" Nah, you're overthinking." She was insane. Why would he, right?


When I saw Hayden, I greeted him inside with a smile.

My dad saw him when he was decorating and he became all mocking. Is he my dad itself ??

I was helping him when he asked. "Yoobi, are you gonna date him?" My dad was really curious.

"No, dad. You know that I'm not interested in these things." I don't know if Hayden is going to confess his love as part of a " fling " or anything but if he asks me for a date, I'll say no. Well, let's say I'm waiting for the spark. You know, there isn't anyone who got me all dreamy about them.

The party got started in the evening and we had a really fun night.


It was almost 10 pm when everyone started to depart and started getting back home. When Hayden was going to leave, I asked him bluntly " UH- Do you like me or something? My buddies say that you have a crush on me. Is that true? "

He blushed by my sudden question and chuckled " I had had a crush on you. But I realized that you like me as a good friend and I like that. So it is better to be good friends, right?".

I felt relieved "Yeah Hayden. I want to be your friend." We hugged each other.

" See you later yoobi "

" See you .... bye "

Then he went home. When we became close, I realized that he wasn't a bad guy at all. He's so funny and sweet. I bet he'll get a better girl. Luca called me with Philip to go out for a walk.

These guys are being lovey-dovey these days. By the way, Lucas and Philip are a couple and both are head over heels about each other and I'm the godmother. I rushed and jumped on Phil's back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He understood that I wanted a piggyback ride.

We were walking along with Zeb's house when we heard some muffled voice of someone.

It was coming behind her house. We walked there to see two people making out. We peeped to see who it was but the image was vague. It was a long-haired dude and a girl.

" Maddie ...."

I've heard that name before. His voice was husky. It seems familiar to me. Suddenly It struck me. Long hair dude, familiar voice calling Maddie. I whispered to them. " Guys, It's Heechul Oppa ..!! And she's the girl we saw with him at the cafe."

I told them to continue walking, but they watched Heechul Oppa making out eagerly. These idiots. I also joined them. We are the Three perv minded musketeers. Yikes, I saw something that is not good. Maddie was smelling his hair in between kissing. I don't know why she likes the smell.

I mean his hair stinks sometimes and we gawked when it accidentally brushes our face. She suddenly grabbed Heechul's shirt, but he stopped her. She pleaded, slipping her fingers into his hair again and pulled him for a kiss, it was furious. He suddenly hissed but she was doing as if her life was dependent on it.

" Holy shit, what is she doing? Abusing Oppa ..? " Luca asked. She clasped both of his hands and slammed him against the wall.

"Wow, she is wild," Philip whistled. Maddie grabbed his hair and sniffed harder like a drug. This scene reminded me of the movie Charlie's Angels. I searched on google and found out that it is called HAIR FETISHISM. But his hair ??

"Ahhhhhh....!!!"Oppa ran to my house yelling and we rushed to follow him. When others asked us about Heechul's sudden change in behaviour, we explained to them about the whole incident. There are many funny incidents in oppa's dating history. Once he kissed a guy from the club whom he mistook as a girl.

Oppa by hearing that started throwing pillows at us and it turned to a pillow fight . We played truth or dare, mafia and many other games after that. Later we felt sleepy and I was sleeping between Heechul and Zeb. His hands were on my waist and Zeb's hair was on my face. Our legs were tangled. I couldn't untangle it. So I finally drifted to sleep like that.

It is the funniest birthday party I've ever had.
