Shit!! I need to pee right now!!!.

I facepalmed myself, clutching my stomach for the 'nth' time. I really wanna go to the washroom but I'm afraid that I might miss entering the stage in time. I remember once at the school play, I missed entering the stage like this and the heroine didn't get the apple from me because I was playing as a tree.

" Yoobi, Why are holding your stomach like this? Don't tell me that you are in a period?? " Leigh came to me worried.

I stuttered " Can....can I go to washroom ?? "

She laughed " Are you a kindergarten student? Just go already. There is time, don't worr..."

I dashed to the washroom before she could complete her sentence. Jesy told me not to drink water too much, but I didn't listen. I kept on drinking because I was super nervous.

I regret that now.

After exiting the restroom I went straight to my backstage.

Today is the most important day of my life. It's the biggest concert in Little Mix. Winning the title of X-factor UK changed our life completely. It made us more confident and gave the strength to work hard and now our band became super popular and one of the best girl bands in the whole music industry.

I still remember the moment when we four and our mentor Tulisa were holding hands and waiting for the results. It was a very shocking yet wonderful moment when we got to know that we were the winners. I felt proud of myself every time.

"Hey, do you need a warm-up ?"

The sound came near the backstage. I saw Marcel and others grinning widely at me. I hugged them and let out a heavy sigh.

" Yeah, I need that ..."

" I think you're doing great. "Oppa's head popped up. His band Super Junior became one of the popular K-pop bands, but still, he's my idiot Oppa.

Perrie called. " Yoobi !! Its time, let's go ".

Everyone wished us luck and I went back to the backstage stretching my arms and legs like I'm going for a test match. The concert isn't that easy, to be honest,

This is a shout out to my ex

Heard he in love with some other chick

Yeah yeah, that hurt me, I'll admit

Forget that boy, I'm over it

I hope she gettin' better sex

Hope she ain't fakin' it like I did, babe

Took four long years to call it quits

Forget that boy, I'm over it

Guess I should say thank you

For the hate yous and the tattoos

Oh, baby, I'm cool by the way

Ain't sure I loved you anyway

Go 'head, babe, I'mma live my life, my life, yeah

Shout out to my ex, you're really quite the man

You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am

Here's to my ex, hey, look at me now

Well, I, I'm all the way up

I swear you'll never bring me down

The excitement in the faces of audiences really made us happy. I really wanted to entertain people all around the world with our music and dance. I felt complete now. I'm eighteen years old and I pursued my biggest dream. After the concert, I went home with the gang. My parents planned to visit Nana today. So, we packed our bags and set off our journey to Alfriston on the next day.

A few weeks before, Nana had a stroke. We told you that we'll stay at Alfriston but she didn't allow us. Her stubbornness never changes. But today she called us and said that she wanna see us as soon as possible. I don't know why, but it made me really worried. The Smith family who lives next to her really takes care of her. That's the only reason for us to stay at Oxford. They're lovely and caring people.

I held the cross pendant on my chain and prayed for her to be healthy. All people die one day, but she can't die that soon. Seventy- two isn't that much pretty old. I dozed off for a while looking through the window. After a few hours, we reached there.

The sight of the house saddened me. The plants in the garden have almost dried. Her house is the one which has the most number of plants. I think she hasn't watered them after that incident.

Mrs.Smith who was sitting near the window spotted us coming and opened the door with a warm smile. I peered inside the house and saw Nana sitting on the couch, knitting.

She looked at me. " Yoobi ..!! You came." Her voice was shrilly and weak.

"Come here bean." I rushed and hugged her.

Her face became brighter by hearing that we're staying, but I think it's appropriate to take a break. Living with Nana for a few days will ease her stress as well as mine too.

The following days were quite peaceful. Nana tried to do chores but we restricted her from doing so. My buddies made a video chat with her. We all kept her company so that she won't feel lonely. I understood that the first thing right now my grandparent need was the company.


We were watching TV and I haven't seen Nana after dinner. I thought she might be sitting at the backyard, so I went outside grabbing my sweater and a blanket. The weather was freezing cold. As I guessed she was sitting on a rock bench, gazing up at the sky.

"Aren't you freezing out there? Here, take this blanket". I handed over the blanket and started walking towards the house. but she just grabbed my arm and motioned me to sit with her. My butt just got froze when I sat on the bench, just like sitting on an ice block.

"Ow, my butt! " I hissed. She chuckled softly and we felt completely silent. I looked at the pretty sky as the cold windblown tickling me from head to toe. The sound of the wind whispering through the chimes hanging from the backyard echoed through the silence.

"I haven't asked about your love life yet. Have you been seeing someone? " she asked, breaking it.

" Nope," I said abruptly.

I'm the only person in the group who's still single, even Perrie is dating Zayn Malik. People started making rumours about my sexuality but I tweeted that I'm waiting for my special person. People have extra talent in making rumours and me on the other side, waiting for someone to come.

" Do you love someone, bean? "

Love someone? I frowned when she asked that, but it soon faded away.

" No..?? I don't know " I shrugged

" Oh, I do know you love someone."

" Ha!! Really? Then tell me who it is? " I taunted her

" I'm talking about that guy who kissed you at Incheon," she said wiggling her eyebrows.

" Yes!! UH- I mean NO!!"

" Aww..you're really bad at lying Yoobi. I know that. "

She knows him but she doesn't know this.

" I don't love him.. I don't know what's wrong with me? "

She pressed my shoulder and said "Nothing's wrong with you. The thing is that you're confused whether it is love or not. No one forgets about their first kiss." I nodded. It's one hundred per cent true that I'm goddamn confused. I'm still a baby.

" Remember this, True love isn't always gaining, it's about sacrificing too. Take my life as an example."

"Are you telling me that you have true love ?? Is it Grandpa? " That was interesting.

" I also had a beautiful love bean, even your mother doesn't know that. And it isn't Grandpa "

" Wow!! So I'm the first person to hear from you? Tell me... "

She nodded " His name was John and we met in college. He was a caring and loving man. Our friendship slowly turned to love. But ... "

She gulped down the lump inside her throat. Her stern body became weaker by remembering that. It's pretty sad to tell about lost love, and I felt it already. She continued,

" We decided that we'll marry after college. But before that, my parents forced me to marry your Grandpa. I tried to run away from them, but it failed. "

Her eyes turned red, tears clouding up. She sniffed back and smiled to herself looking at a distance. We both held our hands together.

"Your Grandpa didn't love me at all. He treated me like a piece of garbage. I saw John one day and he said that he's leaving. I haven't heard about him since. I wish I was more courageous. It hurts, but on the bright side I got your mother and you, right?"

Tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't know Nana had suffered this much.

" I'm sorry Nana, I love you a lot. you have me " I hugged her tightly.

" Yes, dear ... You're the blessing that God gave me. So don't give up and I know you've something for him deep down your mind. I've met that boy at Incheon, he cares about you more than anyone else."

That words brought confidence in me. I hope somewhere out there he might be thinking about me. We both looked up at the sky. The cluster of stars of the milky way made the whole sky look gorgeous. I smiled and hugged her snuggling my head on her neck. She draped an arm around and pulled me closer. We sat there for a long time marvelling the starry sky.

My eyelids felt heavy as time flew by. I extended my arms as I let out a loud yawn.

" You can sleep with me Yoobi " Nana took me to her bedroom. I helped her spread the duvet and we laid down. I tried to close my eyes, but Nana's story kept on bothering me. I really wanted to see him. But I can't take a break simply and go to South Korea to meet him.

" Are you still thinking about him? "

" Mhmm, Yup," I said without popping the ' P '.

"But make sure. don't lead a life without the blessings of your parents. They really care about you and they only do for your own good. Promise me that you won't hurt them."

" I promise "

" Yoobi .. I love you sweetheart. Sleep tight "

" Love you too Nana. "

I slowly drifted to sleep. The next morning when I woke up, I saw her sleeping peacefully next to me. After brushing my teeth I went near the bed.

" Nana, Wake up...it's late, and mom's making pancakes "

She wasn't responding. I touched her arm. It was cold as ice. Oh my god! She's...My body started trembling by thinking that. I placed my shaking fingers on the tip of her nose.



They rushed to the bedroom and saw me crying with arms wrapped around the lifeless little frame. Mom's and Dad's eyes filled with tears as they sat on the edge of the bed holding Nana's hands.

Hours flew by. Most of the members of our family came. I went to Nana's room because I don't want to face them, hear their deep condolences and sat there alone, crying.

The sky became dark, filled with monstrous clouds. Slowly it rained heavily, covering a mist on the windows. I wiped off some and peered through it watching the backyard becoming greener. I remembered how I pulled her to play in the rain and the next day we both were sick.

I chuckled softly and wiped off the line of tears on my cheeks. My buddies came inside the room and they hugged, telling me not to cry. I told the whole story of Nana. I didn't want her to leave me alone, so soon. She didn't even tell me goodbye.

My teacher, my guardian, finally left me alone. And thinking about her reminds me of the song we sang together.

"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping

I dreamed I held you in my arms

But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken

So I hung my head and I cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey,

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy

If you will only say the same

But if you leave me and love another

You'll regret it all someday

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away"
