Small human 2

The cord was cut, thankfully. To show the care and love for this small human it was wrapped--though dirty-- in a dirty cloth. Perhaps because this small human lacked fur and any natural protection from the cold this item was used to help keep it warm.

I could see the love she had for her child. The mother seemed to have tried to hold on longer, but her body was too weak, resulting in her death. She still held the small child in her arms, a smile gracing her stiff face, and her eyes held both longing and love, even though they were clearly dead. Perhaps dying from blood loss with the amount around; between her human-like legs and the missing arm. With a pity filled sigh, I reached out and closed her eyes. Turned my full attention to the small human spitting out pitiful cries then took it from the stiff arm. Covering her exposed breast, before turning to look down at the small human I presently held.

Poor little sheep. How much had it suffered after just entering into the world?

The top smell of dried blood, the small flecks still around its slightly grey body, paired with the faint stench of sick. No wonder it cried as it did, paired with its breath reeking from the stale milk it had suckled when hungry. I wished to retch at the putrid smell. At least the little thing still processed enough strength to emit weak cries.

 It was a good thing I had such a rare urge to search, having luck enough to pick up the little thing instead of leaving it to die. Still, if I hadn't found this small human, it would not be far off before he died either from the underlying sickness or starvation.

Emitting a low sound in my throat, I leaned closer to the small thing flaring my nostrils before inhaling the scent of the small thing. This is to find its unique scent and make an imprint of it on myself. It was a strange scent. The scent reeked of flames. 

Cocking my head on a side I placed that aside continuing to sort out the scent becoming a bit stiff after becoming aware the small thing in my arms was a male. Raised by a female and being one myself I had never thought of serving a male. Even all the human-sheeps I had watched secretly were all female. Their scents were sweet and mouth-wateringly delicious. This tiny thing in my arms had a scent that was… sigh. It did not matter anyway. Inspecting the tiny thing in my arms once I had finished sorting the scents for any external injuries I became satisfied with the results. Holding the tiny thing securely I retreated my steps towards my disregarded load.

Dragging it with one hand while holding in the other, the still crying small human in my arm. I could not help but to feel a swell of pride for this little human whose lungs seemed quite powerful for even though he is sick and hungry, he still cried.

I walked until I was in the medical area and placed the child on a sort of clean surface. Stripping it, I paused for a moment trying to remember if I had learned anything about small humans. It would be terrible if I damage it because of ignorance. Finding none in memory, I searched for any other that I had seen and had found quite interesting. After a while, I remembered a female who had a small human before who had wiped it with a smile showing her blunt teeth.

I had thought she was baring her blunt fangs in aggression similar to what the wolves would do at the small thing but the small thing seemed to release a happy sound. Looking at the two at the time I felt that the woman was so similar to my mother. 

'Momma, your pup misses you so.' I felt the urge to howl in sadness but the small thing made a sound similar to that little thing back then, returning me to reality. 

This little human seems to be quite cute. I-I should try, I thought hesitantly while reaching towards that disgusting area of the small human. 

Still, could I do it?

Giving in because the smell from the child was close to giving me a headache. I decided to clean it almost exactly like her, using a wet cloth. Either way, there was not much I could do. I've never really treated anyone before, just watched and lurked to learn by looking, listening only, I thought of my survival only nothing else, still with this small human it can be applied. I took him anyway.

I cleaned the child first, the wounds and its private area then I used a machine to force it to vomit all the bad milk it drank. The small human released a scream but this was for the best so I didn't stop until it was empty and the stomach looked normal instead of hard and swollen.

Once everything was finished, I gave it water infused with nutrients to help it be hydrated and placed it in a makeshift crib then walked around to look for bottles and milk; I read the cases to make sure throughout that everything was done as should, glad that I could at least boil water.

With the bottle in hand, the temperature is bearable. I placed the gummy like slightly curved bottle top near his mouth, watching while he suckled the teet like top drinking greedily.

While I watched the small human suckle, I thought of my pack again. In my pack, we had no race as humans in the form I was stuck in. Of course, my mother wolf side shifted between its human-like form and wolf but it was still over two and a half meters in height and her facial features or skin was nothing like these humans. Instead, her eyes were wider; the colour similar to my own. Her hair was a beautiful colour; dark reflecting in the light of the moons or rays of the suns. I could not help but admire, with a texture that seemed to be filled with waves. Wolves shifted to their human half, but that was an extremely rare thing. Wolves, they looked down on this side of them finding that they were too weak and too much of a burden. Cold in winter, hot and sticky in the summer. Lacking claws and fangs to tear prey apart and adding to the fact that this side must be carefully tended to, lest they catch disease, which in turn could result in death.

Simply like me... Useless, bothersome.

Mother still cared for me. Shifted when I needed to feed as a small pup. For warmth used her fur to keep me warm. Mother thankfully had knowledge and taught me a few ways to survive. 

My mother had given birth to me prematurely. While she had become injured from rampaging prey. Who had escaped the hunting party while she had been on a walk? Perhaps because of all the events that had occurred that day, it contributed to the reason I am? Why I couldn't shift?

Sigh it was the past, anyway. Nothing can be done perhaps when I go into my heat after I mature I'd be able to shift.

Either way, this small human will become a part of my pack and I will care for him. I looked down at the tiny human greedily sucking on the bottle. Yes, I will raise him.

Unlike me, he will never suffer, my little sheep will be raised the wolf's way so that he will become the sheep with the mind of a wolf. I smiled at that though continuing to focus my lavender gaze on his tiny form.

As if he knew what I had planned for him, he looked up at me. With those gorgeous slanted eyes, button nose and round face, trapping me somehow I couldn't help myself but open my mouth.

"Little one, what beautiful eyes you have,"

I whispered softly in wolf tongue, tilting my stiff face into a passable smile.

I will take this as it had been fated for me to be tossed into this realm. where I was supposed to suffer and though I did at first, for the first few months, hiding while struggling to understand the various languages, listening. Startled by how they treated each other so casually, so colourful even seeing those though rare but still a bit like me.

 Plucking the courage to read their strange characters, it had been so arduous but I had survived to this day to have such a packmate.