AJ's deed

Amy knocked ridz door which was wide open but she was not present inside. She replied from washroom.

R: who is it?

A: it's me

R: what you want?

A: are you going to come out or keep talking from there only.

R: I am changing. Have to go to park with grany.

A: No today she will not go to park as mom,dad and grany have to attend a wedding tonight. So she is taking rest now.

She came out wearing her clothes pouting

R: why she didn't told me?

A: She asked me to tell you so here I am telling you this.

R: Now I have to again change back.

A: If you want you can come with me. I am going to meet a friend there.

R: really. will you let me play there?

A: yup. But only half an hour.

R: no one hour.

A: we will see . Meet me downstairs in 10 minutes.

R: ok

Later they went to park by taking permission of bill. Amy meet a friend there which is none other then Atul. Amy and AJ used to be good friends at time. Both were like brothers but something happens and change their relationship into a mess. Amy wanted to change his hostel room but it was not possible once the session started. Amy asked ridz to play and meet AJ who was sitting on a bench in the park.

A: So why you want to see me?

AJ: Hi Amy

A: please At..AJ come to the topic. He was taking his name like he used to. Only his friends know his real name others know him as AJ. But after that incident he have no friends left. He is a very conservative person as he lost his parents at early age. Though they left him lots of money and home but still he lacked confidence. He stays with his aunt who loves her during vacations and other time in hostel.

AJ: Why you are like this to me.

A: Because of what you did to anji.

AJ: I have told you so many times it was not me.

A: cut the crap she has seen you with her own eyes.

AJ: It was not what she assumed

A: Oh please as if I don't know you were crushing on her and she was not giving you attention because of your nerdy nature.

AJ: and you think I will stoop so low.

Amy got quiet for a minute

A: look we gave you a chance to prove but you couldn't and today I am here for old tike sake. If you have anything important to talk then say it otherwise I don't want to talk on his topic.

AJ: wait I have not called you here to discuss past. But have something else to discuss. Actually my aunt is out of town for 15 days and I have to join a hostel in which I need guardian signature. I can't wait for too long otherwise I will lose the hostel vacancy. So I am here to ask your help. Can you ask your father to do it. Once aunt will be back we can change that but for now it's urgent.

A: and why do you think I will help you after what you did.

AJ: because you know someday if I prove my innocence you are going to get hurt the most. And then you will repent for not helping me when I am having no one else.

Amy understand what he was saying so he agreed to help him and told him that he will talk to his dad and will call him tomorrow.

Soon AJ left from there and Amy noticed ridz was enjoying with her friends. He noticed they were a group of 6 -8 children's including some boys. He frowned as she didn't tell him she play with boys too. He was jealous somewhere but he knows that they are just kids.

He calls ridz but she whined and asked to play more. Kids ask her is he her brother but she refused and told them she is just a friend of him. Amy doesn't like when anyone call them brother sister. He calls her and said he wanted to talk. But she said we can talk later at home. And if he will not let her play he will complain to bill. Amy let her play for some time and he just sit there doing something on his phone. Yes he had a mobile phone but not too costly. It was a simple Android phone which bill have given to him on his 18th birthday.

After sometime they returned home. Any asked them to freshen up as she have some snacks for them. She told them that she had made their dinner. They can't take amy and ridz with them as it's a marriage in their village relation and they don't want them to bahave like husband and wife in front of them.

At 8 they left saying that they will return late and asked Amy to close the door properly and take care of ridz. Later both had their dinner and ridz said she is leaving for room when Amy stopped her and said he wants to talk.

A: Were you not comfortable with my friends. Did anyone say something to you.

R: No it's not like that. They are all older to me. I was not understanding what you all were talking. I talk with you as we know each other from starting. And that dii what was her name..anji ya she was eyeing me like she was trying to scare me so I don't talk to them much.

A: ohh anji she is just like that. She was not scaring you. Ok I understood.

R: Now can I go to sleep? I have school tomorrow.

A: ok good night

R: Good night.