
Next day Amy wakes up late. Till then abhi has left with shanky and Pam for village. They ask bill not to wake him as he was really tired last day. Ridz cried seeing off them but later went to her school. Amy is feeling light headache as he wakes up. He now is feeling guilty of drinking alcohol. First they drink as they were unknown about it but later he drinks it intentionally. He is sad as he did something going against his parents but also feeling that he did not do anything wrong as beer does not harm. He is having mixed feeling. But now in mind he make it sure that he is not going to drink even beer until he does his graduation.

Amy and his friends are having vacations so they didn't meet. Abhi asked Raul to hide the truth for more days until he returns back. Raul agreed. Like this month passes by. Amy and Ridz started getting along well. Amy though teases her but care for her at the same time. Whenever ridz is down with her periods she feel shy in front of him. He understood her behavior and never raise that topic again. He sometimes took her to park and to eat outside on his bike which she loves to ride. Their parents are happy with all things going smoothly.

Now abhi has returned back and he asked all his friends to meet in a park including Atul. Amy objects but Raul says it's important for him to be there. First all greet each other and talk nonsense and everything they did in vacations. But soon they all sealed their mouths as Atul join them. Anji says she is leaving but Raul stops her and then they started telling the truth which they have heard on amy's birthday. All are shocked by the truth even Atul but soon he feel happy that now this false blame has removed from him. Amy is now in guilt for not trusting him and Anji is just crying. She can't even look straight to Atul. At last Atul brake the silence.

At: Thanks guys. It means a lot for me. Abhi and raul you guys really freed me all false accusations. I somewhere know it was not my fault and now I can walk freely without you guys eyes accusing me without any fault of mine.

Ab: I am glad I did not blame you and you are innocent.

Ra: sorry atul. I really don't have words to say. We all did wrong to you and make you suffer without any mistake of yous. I know it will be difficult for you to forgive us but if you can please do it.

Nik: yes Atul I am also sorry you can take your time if you want to forgive us or not.

Anji: Atul I'm sorry it was all my mistake as I only told them that it was you. Though I didn't saw your face that time but still. It was all my fault as in my arrogance I said many bad and inappropriate words to you. It was me who insults on someone else's joke. You were innocent from starting but...she said crying between.

Atul feel their words are genuine. He did not say anything.

Ra: Muski won't you apologize?

Mu: No why should I. I never blamed him instead we are good friends. Am I right buddy?

Atul nodded in yes

Ra: but how you guys never talked

Mu: Never talked in front of you but as Nik told me about everything I confronted him and did not find him guilty. I was hoping one day he will be proved innocent and today is the day finally. And now I am happy that I don't have to hide our friendship anymore.

All apologize from him and said something after the truth is known but one person who did not said a word is Amy. He was just listening to all and was regretting his each and every word he said and act he did. He was feeling ashamed of himself as he did not trust him best buddy who was like a brother to him. His champ which he used to call him out of love.

All realize it and then look towards amy who was standing with his head castes down and tears filling up in his eyes. Atul just left from there.