Sleeping desires

Yan Xuan eyes were glued to the back of the disappearing figure of Mo Hua. He was awestruck by her beauty.

Only then he saw that Rong Chi, his best buddy since childhood was also staring at her with overjoyed face.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Yan Xuan spoke in a low husky voice while his eyes throwing daggers at his best friend.

Realizing the sudden drop in temperature and feeling the calmness before the storm, Rong Chi glanced sideways to find that his friend was almost on the verge to kill him. He felt the shiver on his back and fear crept over his already scared face.

Rong Chi knew Yan Xuan liked to be aloof and never had a girl in his life ever. He spoke to Rong Lin, the only girl in his gaming team and younger sister of Rong Chi.

Many girls were attracted to him and tried to confess their feelings but he always ignored them as if they were air. He was that kind of young master who can be an eye candy to everyone but cannot be eaten by commoner.

Surprised by his reaction after seeing the beauty queen of university, Rong Chi was shocked.

Testing the waters, he gently asked Yan Xuan, "Xuan, what's up? Did that precious beauty woke up the long-awaited sleeping desires within you?"

Xuan was surprised that his friend was able to read through his mind in an instant but he didn't let Rong Chi get the satisfaction of that. He kept his face like a stone without any expression.

But his heart was beating faster. Faster like a train moving at its super fast speed. He never had such encounter before.

There was a light smell of Bulgarian Rose lingering on his light blue sweatshirt. He knew it was from the touch of the girl who had just bumped into him few moments ago. It was the same girl who was haunting his mind with her abundant beauty since the day he saw her for the first time on introduction day.

He was mesmerized by her beauty.

He had recently discovered that she was also a Computer Science student, he instantly caught the possibility that she was not just beauty but beauty with brains. Just like he wanted.

Yan Xuan's train of thoughts was interrupted by the rambling voice beside him which no doubt was coming from Rong Chi. He annoyingly stared at Rong Chi for a while and then started walking towards the lecture hall treating him as air.

Looking at Yan Xuan going to the wrong lecture hall, Rong Chi grabbed his hand to stop him. He pointed at the lecture hall nameplate and said to Xuan, "You are heading in the wrong direction. Mate…"

Without having a second glance at Rong Chi, he freed his hand from Rong Chi's clutches and started walking again. In a cold voice he said, "I know what I am doing."

Rong Chi went blank for a moment and then again said, "Xuan, this is not the lecture we opted for. We have our lecture in Lecture Hall 2 and this is Lecture Hall 4."

Without responding to Rong Chi, Xuan increased his pace and reached the entrance of the Lecture Hall 4.

His eyes scanned for certain figure to be present in this hall. After finding that the person was seated in the seat at top rightmost corner, he started walking in that direction.

Yes, this was the class room where Mo Hua was supposed to have her lecture.

She was sitting beside a seat near a window with a view of beautiful garden. Her beauty was enhanced due to the heavenly backdrop and she seemed calm and serene.

Xuan walked across and halted beside her seat only to find that she was too busy looking intensely at her cell phone.

Waiting for a few seconds he observed that her expressions were changing every moment. He wondered what was so important that made her worried for a moment and happy the next.

'Is it her boyfriend?' Yan Xuan thought. As fast as the thought crossed his mind, with the same speed it was disposed by Xuan.

He was not ready to accept that she was taken. He wanted her to be his partner but only if she wanted to be. He was not obsessed with her but he had fallen head over heels the moment he saw her. It was love at first sight for him.

But unfortunately, unlike other girls who tried all the ways to get attention from him, Mo Hua didn't even take notice of him. Not even now when he was standing beside her desk from last 3mins.

With a sullen face, he walked past her in order to take a seat closest to her but had to settle with a seat at the end of the row as all the seats were preoccupied.

There were 8 seats gap between them now and he was not able to even have a peep at her. And there was a chubby boy sitting right behind her blocking his complete view which made Xuan even more angry.

Meanwhile, Rong Chi was following Yan Xuan with baffled expression. This was lecture of Archaeology which he hated the most and even never saw Xuan attending it in since they joined the University.

He was even more shocked when he saw his cold and introvert friend standing beside a certain desk for more than 2mins.

He initially thought Xuan wanted to take that seat for lecture but when his eyes spotted the person who had occupied that seat, his mind went in chaos.

He whispered in a voice which can be heard only by him, "Mo Hua?? Isn't she Mo Hua…?"

Yes, it was Mo Hua, the beauty queen of University.

And then the thought of realization hit him hard as to why Xuan suddenly wanted to attend this lecture. It was for her. For Mo Hua. He was shocked as well as surprised to see his friend chasing a girl.

Standing at a two feet distance, he was observing expressions of Mo Hua and Yan Xuan both and saw that her expressions were getting mirrored on his face.

Like if she was sad, his face reflected sadness.

If she had happy expression, Xuan had happy expressions as well.

It gave him the feeling of watching some Korean Drama where the cold domineering boss is head over heels in love and completely disconnected from outer world when around his lady love.

He wanted to laugh loudly but settled on chuckling when he saw that beauty queen has not even spared a single glance at Xuan which made his friend gloomy.

He saw his friend moving towards the end of the row with angered expression and had a muffled laugh. He took the seat beside Xuan and started teasing him in low voice.