Haunted House!! - Part 3

XiXi who was holding Rong Chi's arms was also shaken by his wild reaction and was looking at him in utter shock.

Hearing to his shouts, Mo Hua who was calmed just now was also horror-stricken. She moved her gaze from Rong Chi towards the wall he was pointing at and saw a lurking shadow of a woman.

She also shouted in fear," Ghost…. No.. God please save me. Please Please let me out. I want to go home."

Yan Xuan was startled by her screams and wrapped her tightly in his embrace again consoling her," Mo Hua, it's just an illusion. Don't worry look at me. Look at me dear."

With tears filled eyes, Mo Hua lifted her face from Yan Xuan's embrace. Seeing her tear stained face, Yan Xuan felt pain in his heart. He smiled at her lovingly and said," Can you trust me?"

Thinking for a moment she nodded her head with a pouty face.

Yan Xuan's face was filled with joy when he saw her nodding, "So don't worry I will keep you safe.", he said with a fond smile.

He shifted his gaze from Mo Hua and threw a deadly glare towards the culprit who scared and made his girl cry. The very next moment Rong Chi fainted in fear and was dragged by the guard who came out from the darkness.

Mo Hua was holding Yan Xuan tightly and in lowered voice she said," Please take me out from here."

Yan Xuan's heart melted the moment he heard her sweet voice again requesting him to take her away from this place.

He nodded his head while pressing a soft kiss on her forehead to calm her down. "Don't worry, we will be out of here in no time."

After Rong Chi was gone, XiXi and Li Mei decided to reach the living room balcony and check if the rope is there or not.

Sheng Tao who was following brave Xi Mian decided to explore the attached bedroom balcony with her.

Mo Hua glanced towards Yan Xuan and asked," Why are we splitting in smaller groups? It's not good to be alone."

Yan Xuan chuckled and asked her teasingly," You are not alone. We are together. Are you scared of me as well?"

Mo Hua was blushing hard and nodded her head saying," No not scared you."

A small laughter left from Yan Xuan mouth and said," So don't worry. We will find the object sooner if we split. Let's go now."

They start moving towards the library where there was another balcony with wooden patio chairs and centre table. Yan Xuan was sure to find some clue there if not the rope and letter itself.

When they reached in front of the library door, Mo Hua clutched his hand tightly. Yan Xuan was about to push the door when the loud scream was heard.

"DIE WITH ME!!" echoed followed by evil laugh.

The door in front of them opened with a jolt and they saw a black cat running between the chairs in huge library.

A white figure crossed their path and Mo Hua jumped in fear. She started shivering while holding Yan Xuan's hand.

"Ssshhh don't worry. Everything is going to be okay. Ssshh" He started pacifying her while moving inside the library.

Yan Xuan and Mo Hua froze, and as they stood there, caught a woody scent lingering in the air.

"Is it Tobacco smoke?" both said in unison.

Feeling someone's presence around them. A shiver curled through the hairs on the back of Mo Hua's neck then cascaded down to her backbone.

It was enough to froze her on the spot so that she could not hurl herself back down the stairs toward the front door from where she entered…


A loud sound was heard and there was a sudden drop in the room temperature.

Yan Xuan and Mo Hua both started shivering in cold.

The loud noise was heard from library balcony, when they followed the direction, they saw that the patio chair suddenly jolted back and tilted towards them, looking as a gracious invitation by an invisible host…

Mo Hua who was in disbelief and utter shock shrugged Yan Xuan's hand and started running towards the library entrance door.

"Mo Hua, Wait!" Yan Xuan wanted to hold her back but was already late and she was running towards the door.

He took longer strides and grabbed her waist to stop her. In their frantic movements, they stumbled onto something and landed on the floor.

"Oww!" Yan Xuan yelped in pain at the same time Mo Hua started struggling and crying with fear in his arms," Let me go. Let me go."

Yan Xuan fell on the floor while Mo Hua softly landed on his body and was safely wrapped in Yan Xuan's arms.

When there were no signs of Mo Hua calming down, Yan Xuan was very stressed. He wanted her to stop crying as he can't see her like that.

After seeing Mo Hua still shivering in fear struggling to get out from his arms, he rolled over in a position where he was hovering over Mo Hua's body completely.

Sudden change in their position made Mo Hua come out of her trance and she saw Yan Xuan's face was very close to her.

She gulped the words lingering on her tongue.

Yan Xuan who observed the changes in her emotions understood that she was back to her senses now and was under control.

When he was about to get up. A net was thrown on them and they were pulled up tied in the net trap.

They were now hanging in air with the net trap tied to ceiling chandelier. Few strings of gems from the chandelier were broken. Rest of the gems on the chandelier were covered with cobweb and dust giving it a needed spooky look.

Mo Hua who was calm, again started screaming in fear. Her voice was echoed in entire haunted house.

Although it was mentioned in the guide that there will be traps in each room, Yan Xuan was still shocked due to the unexpected encounter.

He was paying attention to his surrounding since they entered but was distracted for a moment due to closeness with Mo Hua that he missed to see the net trap above them.

Now they were stuck in the trap and he was trying to figure their way out. Mo Hua was still lying in the net trap while he tried to stand up using the net threads. He stumbled and fell onto Mo Hua again.

Mo Hua who was shivering in fear froze instantly when she felt unfamiliar wetness on her lips. Yan Xuan also felt numb when his lips landed onto something soft and luscious.