Come here!! Give me a hug first.

Looking at the handsome face in front of them, Mo Hua's friends were also surprised. They were sure that he must have joined the University recently as they would never miss to recognize this face if seen once.

XiXi was drooling over the athletic body stood in front of her.

He had chiselled jawline and knitted eyebrows. He was wearing black jersey t-shirt and white shorts revealing his perfectly toned muscles on arms and calf.

The t-shirt he was wearing was soaked in sweat sticking to his body and had traces of his hard 6pack abs. His eye had mischievous glint shining in them.

Mo Hua was staring blankly at him when XiXi shrugged her hand and said, "MoMo who is this handsome man? "

Mo Hua came out of her daze and blankly replied, " "

"Chen Liam... I am MoMo's childhood friend.. Nice to meet you.. " Chen Liam replied when he saw Mo Hua staring at him blankly.

'Mission accomplished' he said inwardly and smiled.

XiXi happily hold her hand in front and said "I am her best friend XiXi. Nice to meet you too.. "

"Hi, I am Li Mei and this is Xi Mian. We are both close friends of MoMo and also dorm mates." Li Mei and Xi Mian also greeted Chen Liam.

Mo Hua came out of her daze and exclaimed, "Liam!! Is it really you or I am hallucinating? I am soo happy to see you... but what are you doing here? When did you get back from States and why are you here instead of going back to Shanghai?"

Chen Liam saw her blabbering and laughed, "HeHeHe!! MoMo, stop questioning the moment we meet. Come here!! Give me a hug first and then i will explain everything to you."

With that he pulled her in his arms and gave her a tight hug. MoMo also wrapped her arms around his waist for a moment to return the hug then pushed him away and said, "Liam, now tell me what's going on?"

Chen Liam saw her pushing away and frowned, "MoMo, you have become so rude. See you pushed your childhood bestie away that too when we are meeting after 4 years now. How can you do this to me?" and made a pouted face.

Mo Hua knew his tricks and pulled him away from her friends and said, "Let's go to the nearby cake and talk. Girls i will be back in an hour." she informed her friends.

Realizing that she might miss the date, Xi Mian yelled from behind, "MoMo don't forget about 7pm.. You need to meet someone. Okay??"

Xi Mian was smart girl. She saw how intensely Chen Liam was looking at Mo Hua.

Thinking that revealing about her first date in front of this childhood friend who seems to have complicated feelings for her can lead to conflicts, she indirectly hinted Mo Hua not to forget about her date.

Mo Hua was also excited for her today's date with Yan Xuan so she didn't want to miss it either. So she decided that she will have to wrap up this discussion with her bestie Liam in 30mins or so. After that she will still have enough time to go back and get ready for her date.

"Yes babe, don't worry. I will try to comeback in 30mins or so. Thanks." with that she dragged Chen Liam outside towards the nearby cafe.

"So where are you going later? I thought you will be excited to meet me and have dinner later tonight to catch up with each other? Seems like my wishful thinking.." he said with a trace of sadness in his tone.

"Liam, extremely sorry. I need to visit a friend to discuss something important. It was pre-planned and can't be cancelled now. But don't worry we will have lunch tomorrow and catch up with everything." Mo Hua tried to pacify her bestie.

She knew that they were meeting after so many years and she had also missed him a lot just like he did. They shared very close bond and had spent most of their childhood growing up with each other.

Chen family was very close friends with Mo family. Liam was 2 years older than her so she always saw him as a elder brother figure.

But for Liam.. Who was Mo Hua??

"Oh! Friend?" he squinted his eyes towards her then continued, " OMG!! MoMo you got a boyfriend and you didn't tell me? Are you going on a date?"

"Shut up Liam. What's wrong with you? Its just a friend and no it's not a date." She felt bad to lie to her bestie but she wanted to be sure about her and Yan Xuan's relationship before telling about it to others so she she decided to hide it for a while.

"Really, then let me accompany you. You can finish your discussion and then later we can go for dinner?" he said happily.

"No you can't go with me. I need to talk him on something very important and it will take time so i will have dinner there as well." Mo Hua hurriedly replied as she had the sudden thought of Liam accompanying her to her first date made her feel awkward.

Chen Liam felt bad for a moment but he knew that he cannot push Mo Hua more or else she will get angry with him. And who else can knew about her anger more than himself as last few years he had spent convincing and apologizing to her for the mistake he did 3years ago.

Feeling shiver crawling on his back just by the thought of her anger, he instantly said,"No problem sweetie, we will go for lunch tomorrow. By the way you have grown tall in last few year but not beautiful at all... Hehe.." He put his arm around her shoulders while walking inside the cafe.

She pinched him on his arm surrounding her shoulders and pushed him away so that he can't continue to bully her more.

"Pig..." She said annoyingly and Liam let out a hearty laugh.

Unknown to them, someone had seen everything happening from the moment they meet till now.

Storm was brewing inside Yan Xuan's heart when he saw both of them hugging and being playful to each other.

'Who is he?'

'They seem very close..'

He was sulking inside and left the cafe to get ready for his date. He decided to ask Mo Hua indirectly when they meet today and if she says that she like him then he will step aside.

For him, her happiness mattered the most.