I want you to meet him today.

"Yan Xuan, what do you want? Please let me go I need to attend the classes today." Mo Hua stopped struggling to get off the car but she was annoyed by his remark just now.

'How dare he to bully her?'

"Sweetie. I know you are angry but please let me explain. There is some misunderstanding here." Yan Xuan tried to persuade her.

He holds her chip up so that he can look directly into her eyes and said, "Mo Hua, did you forget our promises of Eternity?"

"Do you think you are in the right place to ask me that question? It's you who let me get bullied by your best friends. It's you who enjoyed me getting humiliated. What do you expect me to say after this? I am not a pushover or the one to get bullied." She expressed the anger crammed in her heart. She was enraged when she heard him reminding her of eternity when in the first place he was the one to break the promises.

"Are you jealous?" He asked with an amused face.

"Do you think it is fun?" she glared at him angrily and continued, "Yan Xuan, I am not interested in having complicated relationships neither I want my partner to have ambiguous relationships which can cause us to drift apart."

"Baby. What are you saying? There is nothing between me and Tia." He cajoled her.

"Really? But I didn't even mention her, it can me Mia as well. Right? Or is it like there is something so you directly related it to her?" Mo Hua sneered.

"There is no way I am letting you spout nonsense. Tell me what do I need to do to trust me over this?" He was now getting impatient.

"Let me go." She replied immediately.

His face turned somber and without even taking a moment he replied, "Never."

"You.." Mo Hua was left speechless.

With that, he stepped on the accelerator and the car raced in high speed towards the opposite direction of University.

Seeing him quiet, she understood that he was angry now. It would only create more ruckus if she says something.

Finally, she decided to keep quiet as it was a matter of a few minutes before they reach University. Then she won't see him again at least for a few days.

Poor Mo Hua... Little did she know – an entire day of suffering was waiting for her ahead.

"Where are you taking me?" Mo Hua's face was perplexed and she cast another glare at him.

"Wait for a while. You will know." Yan Xuan replied without even looking at her. His eyes were focused on the road.

Mo Hua took a sneaky glance at him and pursed her lips tightly. She was immensely attracted to him but she knew it was a dangerous and complicated situation between them right now. She can't hope as later it will leave a big wound in her heart if things go wrong.

She was not ready for it.

Not right now.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Both of them were immersed in their thoughts.

Mo Hua rolled the window down as it was still morning and the sun was not hot. There was still a morning breeze outside.

She poked her head out of the window and let the breezy air hit caress her face.

Her hair was tangled around her neck and some on her face.

Her natural pink lips were a little bit parted and her eyes were closed. she was breathing in the purest air. Her face was filled with tranquility. She was looking just like morning dew.

Yan Xuan was sneaking glances at her while driving. He was enthralled by her beauty. He felt as if she was just like a morning fairy descended from heaven to torture him.

Yan Xuan felt the heat rising inside him.

"Sweetie, please be careful not to catch cold." Yan Xuan said with utmost care.

"Mmmn" only faint voice was heard from Mo Hua. She was still absorbed in the morning blustery weather.

Yan Xuan's face turned benevolent.

After today's incident, he somehow got the idea that she didn't have an easy life in the past. She must have suffered a lot to be so strong-headed in present.

He wanted to share her pain and dote on her for the rest of her life.

After some time, closing her eyes, she rested her head on the passenger seat. She felt dizzy possibly due to the gust of cold air blown over her face repetitively.

The next moment she drifted in deep slumber and Yan Xuan continued driving with sneaky peeks in between.

He stopped the car on the roadside and fetched the blanket from the back seat before covering her with t.

He then rolled the window glass up as he was afraid she will catch a cold. Before starting the car, he increased the car temperature. Looking at Mo Hua, he bent forward and pressed a quick peck on her forehead saying, "My silly MoMo. How can I let others bully you? Only I have that right. Just wait till I make everyone pay."

He stepped on the accelerator and the car started moving towards the destination.

After an hour or so, Yan Xuan stopped the car. Mo Hua woke up immediately when she realized that the car had stooped. She swiftly moved to get down from the car while trying to figure out where she was that she missed a pair of eyes locked on her innocent face.

Seeing he trying to get down, he leaned forward and pulled her back by grabbing her waist.

"Where do you think you are going?" raspy voice resonated in her ears and she froze. She didn't see him just now. The only thought she had in her mind after waking up was to escape.

"Umm.. I.." Mo Hua stammered.

"Do you think you can escape from me?" Yan Xuan was very close to her left ear. He was nudging her ear with his lips and nose which was only making things more difficult for her.

"Let me go Xuan." Mo Hua struggled in his arms but his hold only tightened.

"Let's go. I want you to meet someone special today." Yan Xuan let go of her waist and got down from the car.

He went towards the passenger seat and opened the door for her to get down.

"I don't want to.." Mo Hua rejected his offer.

"I insist. Please." He requested earnestly.

His face was extremely sincere which left her with no option but to agree.

"Okay. Let's go. Wh is it by the way?" She asked while agreeing to him helplessly.

"My dad. I want you to meet him today." Yan Xuan said with a profound face.

Suddenly, Mo Hua's step came to halt.

"Your dad…?"