Our love story is indeed unique!

The graveyard was decorated with bushed of lilies everywhere. The greenery was spread across the premises of the cemetery. It was truly a peaceful place for the lost souls to rest.

Yan Xuan walked for a while then stood in front of the tombstone at the left corner of the graveyard.

Mo Hua was surprised when she saw the area surrounding Yan Xuan's father's tombstone as decorated with bushes of white roses and white daisies.

"Dad loved white daisies and mom preferred white roses so they always added both to their palette no matter what. This was their way of adapting to each other. In his last few day's Dad had asked mom to decorate his tombstone with both flower's bushes so that he can rest in peace thinking that they are still together."

Mo Hua's eyes turned red. She was touched by his words and more after knowing the pure love his parents had for each other.

"Why are you crying? Dad will kill me if he sees that I made you cry." He gently wiped her tears, held her hand, and pulled her in front of the tombstone.

Putting his arms around her shoulders, he said, "Dad, this is Mo Hua, my girlfriend and your future daughter–in–law."

Mo Hua was taken aback by his words.

'Future daughter-in-law!' She was going to take a step back in a daze but was not able to.

Yan Xuan tightened his hold on her shoulder as he continued, "See. I kept my promise. When I was a kid, Mom always teased you saying I love her the most and I am the closest to her and you used to get angry. I always said that there will be a day when I will prove that I love my dad the most."

He smiled at her with a proud face and said, "Today is the day dad. I brought Mo Hua to meet you first. Mom doesn't even know yet. She is the only important person in my life after you and mom. So I hope we can get your blessings. Love you, Dad.." his voice wavered at the end as if he was on the verge of a breakdown.

Mo Hua sensed his emotional instability and patted his chest lovingly.

Once she felt that he was calm now, she glanced at the tombstone. It was a beautiful white marble stone.

The beautiful marble stone had 'In the memory of dearest husband and loving father Mr. YAN MIN' engraved with on it.

Mo Hua knew meant a lot to Yan Xuan so she wanted to connect well with every person he loved in his life.

She squatted down and touched the tombstone with her slim fingers moving the dead flowers away from its surface.

"Hello, Uncle Yan. I am Mo Hua. I haven't known much about you as but whatever I got to know from the past few days about you and Yan Xuan's Mom, I can say that I am truly inspired by the love you had for each other. I am not perfect and not sure if I am right for Yan Xuan, but no matter what my heart will always belong to him just like yours belong to Aunty Yan. Rest assured, I will love and accompany him forever."

She stood up and bowed in 90 degrees angle and paid her respect to Yan Xuan's father.

Just as she stood straight, Yan Xuan's hoarse voice was heard, "You must have made my Dad extremely happy. Do you know that, hmm?"

"What? I said the truth.." Mo Hua smiled at him and hold his arm tightly.

"Dad, Mom is doing good and we will be visiting Grandpa soon. This time it will take time to come back so maybe I won't be able to visit you anytime soon. I will visit you after coming back Dad, till then rest well. We will take our leave now." Yan Xuan touched his father's tombstone with his slightly calloused finger and a teardrop fell from his eyes.

It had been so many years already but seeing his father's grave every time makes him weak.

"Xuan, uncle won't be happy f you cry. Let him be happy okay?" Mo Hua hugged his arm tightly and cupped his cheek with one hand.

"Mmmn" he nodded his head, and the taking a lost look together the said, "Bye Dad."

"Bye Uncle" and left the cemetery.

Seeing his sad face, Mo Hua also felt gloomy as if someone was piercing her heart with numerous needles.

Just she remembered something looking at the bench outside the graveyard.

It was the same bench where they sat a few minutes ago and shared each other's pain.

An evil smile appeared on her face when she glanced at the bench and then Yan Xuan.

Yan Xuan saw her gaze shifting between the bench and him and he gave her a confused look, "What happened baby? Do you want to sit down for a while?"

Hearing his careful voice, her heart suddenly felt warm but she laughed a bit loudly and said, "Our love story is indeed unique!"

"Hmm, it is but why would you say that now?" Yan Xuan gave her a perplexed gaze.

"We first time kissed at the Haunted House when I was vulnerable. Right?" Mo Hua glanced at him gleefully.

"Hmm. So?" Yan Xuan was not getting what she met.

"Now that today you were vulnerable and we kissed right outside the graveyard. Lol... I suddenly get a spooky feeling.." Mo Hua giggled.

"Ah! I see. So you mean to say our next kiss will…" Yan Xuan teased her.

"Xuan. Shut up. We are going to an amusement park and not a spooky place." Mo Hua said hurriedly then she realized what she had said.

She was accepting that there is going to be a kiss or kisses in the amusement park later when they visit.

"No… I didn't mean that... What I meant was.." Mo Hua tried to explain to him but her face was blushing hard.

"Hahahaha... Look at you.. my cute little foxy. I am waiting for that day. And amusement park is equally spooky. Accept it." He said while holding her un his arms and walking towards the car.

"Who said you that I was going to kiss you?"

"Oh! So is it that you are allowing to let me kiss you?"


"Only for you baby.."

They got in the car and the banter between them continued.

"Where are we going now?" Mo Hua asked, "Back to University?"

"Not so soon. We are going somewhere else. You will know when we get there." He replied while maintaining the mystery.

"I don't like such surprises." Mo Hua replied angrily.

"But I am sure you will love this place."

"As if you know my likes already."

"Indeed, I do… my baby"

Like this, the teasing between the love birds continued as they drove towards the mystery spot Yan Xuan had planned for.