Love, how much pain have you suffered!

'Why am I floating in the air?'

'Why can't my feet feel the surface.'

"Am I getting kidnapped."

Mo Hua was in deep slumber and was restless due to her failed attempt to open her eyes. She was drenched in sweat and was shivering in the cold weather.

"Let me go… " She tried to struggle to free herself from the tight clutches which she felt like chains holding her back.

"Don't please.." She wept in low voice.



When Yan Xuan came back with the extra duvets and pillows, he saw that Mo Hua was fast asleep with no trace of waking up anytime soon.

He went inside the tent, arranged their bed with an extra layer of the thick comforter as the surface was hard and uneven which can hurt the person's back if slept directly on the bed provided by the organizers.

Yan Xuan was used to it but he didn't want her to suffer so he specifically arranged it for their stay that day with the help of some old friends of his family.

He went back and forth and made all the necessary arrangements and then walked towards Mo Hua's direction.

She was sleeping on the recliner facing the sky. Her previous peaceful expressions were now turned into painful ones. She was struggling with something inside her mind. A tear rolled down her eyes and she shivered.

Yan Xuan who was standing beside her watching her every expression suddenly felt heart-wrenching pain.

'Baby, I don't know your most painful memory which is still haunting you and I don't know if I can erase all of them but I will make sure that your present and future will be filled with extreme happiness and love which will never let that worst past of yours haunt you anymore." He caressed her face and touched her cheeks lovingly as he continued,

"Even though we will have fights and misunderstandings in the future but I will never leave your side.' With that, he kissed her forehead and lifted her in his arms before walking towards the tent.

Just when he was walking towards the tent to let Mo Hua rest for a while, he heard a slow weeping sound.

She was crying as well as struggling in his arms. She was trying to fight someone.

Yan Xuan's face turned cold. He recalled the past Mo Hua had mentioned earlier.

'Is she trying to free herself from that bastard?'

'Love, how much pain have you suffered…. So sorry for not being there in your past but I will be there now. Don't worry.' He promised to himself.

"Ssssh... Sweetie. Don't worry okay. Everything will be alright." His voice was extremely calm and soothing which made her crying stop as well. Her expressions turned gentle.

"Sweetie. Please rest for a while. I am here beside you." With that, he made her sleep on the soft bedding he had just prepared and laid down beside her holding her close in his embrace.

He was leaving pecks on her forehead every few minutes and making her nerves calm.

Mo Hua relaxed immediately and went into deep sleep again.



After two hours.

Mo Hua opens her eyes slowly. She was still feeling sleepy but the moment she felt a warm arm embracing her tightly, her eyes flew wide open and she saw the person beside her.

She tried to get up and sit straight on the bed but was pulled back in the tight embrace again.

"Lay down for a while. It's not good to move fast immediately after you wake up. Your brain needs steady actions to process when you have just woken up. Hmm." Yan Xuan nuzzled his chin on her shoulder.

"Xuan. I" Mo Hua was still trying to figure out how they were sleeping together as she clearly remembered that she was sitting on the recliner outside the tent just now.

"When I came back, You had already fallen asleep on the recliner outside. It was cold outside and I had no heart to wake you up after seeing you sleeping soundly. So, I brought you inside as not to catch a cold."

He saw her happy face and realized that she no longer remembers her dreams so he purposely hides the fact that she was crying and trembling in her sleep due to some nightmares.

He was staring at her with a sweet smile on his face. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, then nose, then both cheeks and lastly pecked her lips.

"Did you rest well?" He asked caringly.

"Mmmm." She smiled lazily enjoying the kisses he showered on her just now.

As she stretched her arms and legs, she realized that they were here to star gazing and spend some quality time together but she might have already wasted it by sleeping.

"What time is it?" She asked with the hope that it should not be too late to sit outside and enjoy the night sky.

"Its at 8.30 pm now." Yan Xuan said as he stood up from the bedding and stretched her hand out to help her stand up.

Mo Hua took his hand and swiftly stood up, "Is it already late? Are we going to miss the start gazing? Is the sky cloudy?"

Mo Hua had numerous questions troubling her and she fired them one after another at poor Yan Xuan.

"Be patient my love. Today there is a special phenomenon happening and luckily we can get hold of that moment."

Yan Xuan helped her to come out of the tent.

She swept her gaze around and saw many people far away sitting on the recliners or blankets outside their tents. There was a campfire pit provided to each tent occupant to keep the air warm around them. Suddenly from somewhere the aroma and sounds of sizzling barbeques were heard.

Mo Hua felt famish the moment that aroma struck her nose and she looked at Yan Xuan with a pitiful gaze.

"haha, don't look like I am starving you. I will get the barbeque heated up. We can make some ourselves then. Hmm?" Yan Xuan teased her and called the person in charge of barbeque to lit it up.

"So why are there o many people suddenly? When we came there were hardly a few and also what phenomenon you were talking about?" Mo Hua asked with her curios gaze still observing every minute detail happening around her.

"Today is going to be a meteor shower. It is not possible to see this clearly from city areas, so many people came specially to enjoy this view while somewhere there to study the special phenomenon." Yan Xuan replied to her while putting the steaks and chicken stripes on the barbeque grill.

"We will be having meteor shower now?" Mo Hua said with her voice full of curiosity.

Just then someone from distance called her out loudly,

"MoMo…" A female voice was heard followed by another female voice calling,


Mo Hua turned towards the source of her voice and her face showed anger and frustration.
