6. played emotions...

He broke his silence, " Do you have something to add, Ms Ning?", he was usually a gentle person but when such a person got mad, it was definitely not a good thing! He sounded cold, he had to let go... If he still kept hanging on to her, she will do the same thing again, it was hard to do it for the first time... but then, it could become a habit.

"Tang-ge", she still had that soft and coquettish voice, back in the day, he felt warm and protective when he heard her speak like this, but now it was only disgust, even ChunHua who had a high tolerance for such things felt goosebumps and stopped laughing.

"Tang-ge, Ming-er is sorry... I... I was blinded. I'm sorry..", in normal times her pitiful look with those misty eyes and flushed cheek could evoke a sense of guilt, but now... he didn't feel anything, it was like the filter he had been watching everything with was taken off and he could see the ugly truth behind it!

"No. I'm sorry. After all, you are young. You also want to enjoy yourself, but I couldn't give that to you... still", he didn't want to continue, he sighed before controlling his emotions again, "It's over... I won't ask for anything, but get out of this house."

Ning Ming frantically stood up and threw herself at him, ChunHua who saw it wanted to throw her down the drain at the moment and her eyes went red, but she had to control herself, she couldn't give the man a chance to get back at her plus, YuTang had to do it himself... seeing him evade her, she calmed down a lot too.

"Tang-ge... please don't do this... where will I go? You are the only person I love. Please... Please don't be like this...", her voice was close to the mewling sound of a kitten, even Yichen felt sorry for her, but YuTang had given her enough of his feeling to play with... He directly went upstairs leaving all of them behind.

Ning Meng continued her act, she was still trying to soften his heart... she thought that it was the same like always, she will leave her for a moment and then come back to coax her... He truly loved her after all.

It was just that, she forgot.... there are some mistakes in this world which just can't be forgiven and sometimes the strongest of the man in the world when betrayed by their beloved could also break... in the end, they were human, getting hurt was inevitable... but, because they had loved and given all their heart, when they are betrayed, they could never forgive the other for betraying their trust and dishonouring their emotions.

ChunHua was enjoying this scene to the fullest.

She had hated this woman for a while now, of course not because she was sleeping around with Yichen, it was because she had the official title of YuTang's girlfriend plus she was shamelessly cheating on him.

But she didn't want to become shrew and beat her so, she will make sure that she doesn't come in his life after this day~

ChunHua finally put her eyes back on the scum, she gave him a dazzling smile, " Young Master Li, are you thinking about something that you shouldn't?", her smile brightened her whole aura.

Yichen saw her smile and spoke, " I know that if you don't marry this year, you won't be treated as an adult according to the will... You may take over the company, but your uncle won't let you have the full rights. I'm also aware that your uncle won't let you choose your husband as he is your direct relative, you have to abide by what he chooses. If you come out and break off our engagement, it would be the same as slapping your uncle. So, I want you to forget about this", it was a threat, but he spoke with a smile, as if, he was just stating facts and nothing else, "Hua-er, I promise.. I'll stop. I was just seduced by this woman... I promise this will be the last time. Hua-er, I'm a normal man... it was once in a lifetime mistake...", he had a doting look on his face, even Ning Meng who saw him act like this felt disgusted, he was a rich and handsome man to have, but his inside was treacherous and sly, but he person who all this was aimed at, still had the same dazzling smile, if you looked more seriously, you could see that it had actually deepened...

ChunHua saw him get up from his seat and come towards her, she didn't want to touch this man after what he had done with that woman, she wasn't mysophobic, just that this man was at a stage where he was disgusting than poop to her!

But when she heard him say out those 'threatening' remarks, she couldn't help but deepen her smile, this man's third leg may be loose, but his brain still had some use... he was at the same level as uncle~

They just knew how to threaten people with their deep secrets for their own profits, aish~

'I really don't get along with this kind. Ah~ I want to see my Tang Tang, my Little Bao~ I want to purify my world with his pure essence~'...

She secretly took a look at the staircase, she wondered when she can see him... after all, all this time, she had seen him through a screen or photographs, she wasn't able to see him up close when he had pulled her up and touched her, her heartbeat went so high that she thought it will run out of her body and then when he cried, she felt her heart being churned into dust... only her Little Bun could make her experience these pure emotions... everything else was just her playing a role, it was a facade she had created.... this led to some unbearable memories to surface and her eyes cooled down to record low...