ChunHua was very far away, but she still turned back at this moment...

The snow had stopped very early and now that she was a bit far away and the sun rays enveloped her... for unknown reason... she looked a bit lonely...

YuTang saw her like that and felt a weird feeling welling up in his heart... but before he could give a name to that feeling, he heard her reply, "When I get you to the top... You can ask the same question back to me... I'll reply then..."

What was left unsaid was, ' I just wish that you fall for me again by then... or, that will be the time I'll confess and bind you to me, even if, I've to force you. TangTang, did you know, without you by my side, even with the air around me, I suffocate, my heart aches and my brain stops.... So, I'm sorry... I can't live without. Everything I do is for you... all because I Love You...", a flash of sorrow passed her eyes as the face of YuTang who didn't recognise her back then overlapped with his current face...

She turned around to hide it.. well, no profit mopping about it, she will get everything back the way it should be, and to be very honest, she was too gutless to bind him, if she was, she would have done it already, it was only because she was a coward when it came to her feelings and the fear of being neglected by him that she had to introduce herself all over again and treat him just like a potential star and not a lover.

She was aware that this man was too sensitive and if she forced herself on him right now, he probably won't be able to recover... his heart was broken by that unknown woman and it would take some time to heal so, all she can do is, push and make that process faster.

This child fell in love with her once, it may have been a childish blabber on his part, but for her, it was a promise of a lifetime... she will give her all to make this man fall for her again, but this time... she won't let him forget her.... never again.


It was a fact that YuTang was broke and she was his best options for now and after she clarified everything, he didn't shy out.

He had this weird feeling that it was him who was profiting of this, even when she said that she will make him work hard to earn money, but for now, to prove that things he had shouted just now... he will use her to the fullest and will also return the debt he owes her a hundred, a thousand times over.

He made up his mind and followed her to the car.


The building they were going to was called the Hua garden and stood quite tall even in this metropolitan of HK-country.

As for the name, it was the idea of the BOSS who had actually wanted to call it the 'Hua Harem', but decided against it after the thousands of pleas from her fellow staff.

Anyway, in this place where a plot of land could cost you your whole life, this arrogant building stood with valour and was designed by the very famous architects from WPJ in C-country, since the building had her name, she didn't bat an eyelid to spend a huge sum to get this intricate and dynamic building ready in a span of 8 months!

The security was at its highest with it standing in one of the high-end residential districts and till date they had no case of privacy being infringed, as a result, the paparazzi had a love-hate relationship with the stars of this company.

As a matter of fact, many newbies as well as veteran chose this company because they had this sort of advantage.

She had started the company around seven years ago, just after learning that YuTang was learning acting, it would take time to build a company from scratch, but when it came to her, she threw a large sum of money in movies right off the bat, produces shown under her company and just like that, with the power of ASSET, they made a name for themselves in a night and grew up to be a giant.

It was a famous saying of the boss spread throughout the office, ' If it's not working on your favour, through enough money and let it talk', but still, she never took a shoddy path when it came to the artists the company signed, she hired professionals of the highest order and herself did an expensive course on it, the artists signed under them had to be at the very least a diamond in rough... the other business giants back then thought it was an absurd move.

First of all, they had no background and popped out of thin air, well, they did have money, but no connection to speak of so, them demanding too much from their newbie artists was too much, they probably wouldn't even get enough applications, but here they were shouting this hard to get the best.... plus, with many other giants in the business who were seemingly in a perfect balance, they will suppress these kids still wet behind their ears, in no time!... or so, was the general consensus.

Well, for a fact, not many had applied for them in the first half of the year and they were jeered at, but the result was ChunHua took some projects that made so much money that she could say this to those people, "I have too much money you see... I get tired just from spending it, but it's still not going down..."

Those people who were still talking bad about them, coughed blood!

Yes, money was not everything, but no one hated having it... even for them, they never had enough money to sigh out that kind of arrogant words.

But this was the start of the urban legend that any movie that was choosen by this newbie company will explode!!

Yes, she was savage but also talented in this field.

The proof...?