19. twitch

Thinking about it, it has been quite a while since he felt this warm... he has been working too much that, it had become hard for him to come back to his apartment, he either used to rent a cheap room in a hotel or, just stay in the tents with the crowds, if not for him working out on a daily basis, his body would have collapsed ages ago!

He looked at the person who gave her the warmth in such a cold world and the amount of heartfelt gratitude he had, could not be measured by anything!

All he could do was, what she wanted and what she deserved, "You really are amazing, jiejie...", he had a blinding smile on his face with his eyes crinkling up into crescents, for a second, a memory flashed inside his head, but it was too fast for him to see it.

ChunHua who has been joking around froze, for a second, she thought that her Little Bun was back, he too used to give her a huge toothy grin and say, 'thank you, xiao jiejie', when she gave him something she liked.

Well, this room had been specially prepared for him, she had bought this place because of the same sunset that the child liked since a long time ago... she was a person who liked a cloudless night sky with just the moon and the stars when she was young, it always reminded her of her TangTang, but after that incident, she had started liking the dark cloudy sky without any light, it was similar to the world inside her....

But when she decided to build this place, the first room she designed was this and it had stayed like that for years, every season of every year, she went to different places, both inside and outside of the country to shoot pictures of the most beautiful sunsets in the world, all for him.....

Compared to this, her room was very simple, everything was either in black or white... it was her world without her Little Bun... but with him here, she might change it, after all, he filled her world with colours... just like the rainbow~


She was in a daze looking at his face. YuTang felt that she was acting a bit weird and called her, "jiejie...?"

ChunHua blinked and got out of it, to make it seem natural, she continued, "Do you have clothes to wear inside?" It was warm inside, but that didn't mean, he could go on with the same clothes he has been wearing, right?

YuTang paused for a second and said, "I didn't carry any warm clothes with me, I just picked the ones that I need for my work...", now that he thought about it, he was really acting reckless, he didn't have any connection to speak of, he didn't have money, nor a place to stay... why did he come out like that....

Maybe from the moment, he had decided on something... the scene of him standing by the bridge flashed inside his brain and his face paled, 'what was I thinking....?'

ChunHua saw him contemplating on something and then saw him become pale, she didn't understand everything about him, but she could still guess it to a certain extent... she immediately changed the topic.

��hm.... Is that so? Well, I'm a good person. Got it! It is because I am a good person that I'll let you use some of the clothes here. They are clothes that I liked when I was travelling around the world and got it in pair with mine, I would have like to wear them, even though they are for men... but because I am such a good person, I'll lend you to them~ Come say a thank you!", she spoke with a reluctant face, it made it seem like she really didn't want to give it to him.

YuTang went still and said, "You don't need to. I can make do with these--"

"I am a good person so, I am lending you to them. Be a good child and receive them. If it was anyone else---", she didn't continue.

YuTang gave her a smile when he saw her sulking, "hm... thank you, jiejie."

ChunHua recovered and gave him a smile of her own before saying, " Let me take them out. Ah! Go take a warm bath first, I was very cold and took one. I'll leave your clothes on the bed and go out to brew some soup..?", as for why the question mark... we'll see later.

YuTang saw her walk to the closet and walk-in, he too followed her out of curiosity.... inside he saw clothes from all parts of the world, there were also some exotic clothes and some tailor-made ones, if anything was similar among them, it would be that they looked very expensive and were in a similar size as him, he felt a bit weird, but considering the person in question, he passed it as another of her whims.

He could even see a very few clothes for kids, 'yes, she was indeed weird... but they were really cute."

ChunHua has been going through some of the clothes that were kept folded on the racks and finally found a pajama, it was a two-piece version with the image of a panda, the cloth was fluffy and the upper had a hoodie with the panda eyes and ears on them... she had bought it from Japan!

YuTang saw that on her hand, and his lips twitched a bit, well, she herself was wearing a fluffy pink version of the same, but it suited her well so, he didn't say anything, but now that it came to him, he was taken aback!

ChunHua saw that he was standing to her side and smiled, "Isn't it cute? You are huge so, it will probably fit you. Anyway, go and get a warm bath, then come out!", saying this she gave him the clothes and walked out humming a catchy beat, she was really enjoying all this!

YuTang looked at her back and then back at the Kigurumi pajama in his hand, he sighed and gave in to his fate.

Well, they were really soft to the skin in the very least... was his final thought before he went in for the warm bath... he was really learning very fast to follow along with ChunHua's pace.